Warmth | Jisung Imagine #2

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Title: Warmth

Genre: Hurt/comfort, a little fluff

Warnings: mention of poor mental health, touches on depression and anxiety a little bit, no breakdowns this time though.

Word Count: 951

Author's Note: First off, I'm so sorry for how inactive I've been lately. I have some pending fics for Mark and Haechan that I've been working on over the past two months now. I'm honestly not sure when they'll be posted. I still wanted to post something this week, so here's a little comfort story for Jisung. On a side note, I've been meaning to show more Park Jisung appreciation. Despite him being the youngest member of his group, he has a lot of maturity that I admire. Anyway, thank you for reading ^ - ^


You let out a heavy exhale, tearing your attention away from the book in your lap to gaze out the window. The storm from earlier in the evening had settled a bit. Now the rain drops were falling in a soothing, rhythmic pattern. Typically, you found those kinds of nights to be quite peaceful. Particularly when you were nestled in the corner of your sofa, snuggled underneath a soft blanket with a book in the gentle glow of your dimly lit living room.

Yet, the gloomy cloud in your mind quietly returned, preventing you from fully enjoying this precious alone time. That's when you knew things were getting bad again. When sleep was out of the question, and even your favorite book couldn't block out the dark thoughts entirely. All the nice days full of smiles and laughter from the past month seemed to be bulldozed over by life's reminder of your misery.

This time, it was the news of your brother cheating on his wife of five years. After last year, you didn't think things could get worse after your parents finalized their divorce. And it took a hard slap of reality to make you realize what fool you were to believe that. Now the confirmed fact of how broken your family was, made you feel more alone than ever.

Just when you were being drowned by those depressing thoughts, the phone on the coffee table vibrated. Your heart raced when you saw the message notification from Jisung.

"I'm here, can you come out to meet me?"

You hesitated for a moment, wondering what drove your boyfriend to come here at 11:12 pm. But you forced yourself up off the couch and made your way outside your apartment. Once the front door was pushed open, you were met with the sight of Jisung standing in the pouring rain. The tall boy was drenched from head to toe, his dark hair plastered to his forehead, and his clothes stuck to his skinny body.

"Jisung...what are you doing here?" You asked, bewildered. A part of you wanted to scold him for not bringing an umbrella.

The boy's eyes dropped down to his feet in embarrassment. "I couldn't sleep back at the dorm, and I don't know...I had this weird feeling that something was wrong based on the last time we talked."

A lump formed in your throat as you listened to him go on about how it's been a long time since you've gotten to see each other in person, and how he just had to make sure you were okay. The young male's thoughtfulness didn't fail to touch you.

"Are you okay though?" He asked after a short pause, gently pulling you in closer.

His sudden clinginess took you by surprise. Not many people saw this side of him, not even his members. The two of you locked eyes and in that moment, you could see he was trying to hide just how exhausted he was. Jisung didn't need to say anything for you to know the stress of his work was beginning to pile up again, making him feel like he was carrying the weight of the world.

You almost didn't want to let Jisung know about the whirlwind of emotions you've been experiencing. But you couldn't lie to him, knowing he had walked all the way here to check on you.

"I don't know what to do," Your voice trembled as you spoke. "Everything is falling apart."

Your teeth sank into your lower lip, to keep the tears from escaping. But the way Jisung was looking at you made it difficult. His hand practically covered the side of your face when he cupped it.

"I'm here for you, (Y/n)-ah." He almost whispered. His deep voice sounded so reassuring at times like this.

As he spoke you felt all the emotions you've tried to bury, surge through your body. You couldn't find the right words or actions to express it. All you knew was that you needed Jisung right now, more than ever. Then as if he read your mind, he leaned in and kissed you without warning.

As Jisung's lips met yours, the rain began to fall harder, creating a soft pattering sound that filled the air around you. You could feel the cold wetness seep through the thin gray long-sleeve you were wearing. But neither of you cared. The warmth radiating from the kiss was enough.

The kiss was full of longing and comfort, leaving you breathless. But the way his lips pressed gently against yours, the way he held you so securely, it all made you feel like the world had disappeared.

Your hands gripped the collar of his hoodie as you gathered the bravery to kiss him harder. The turmoil of your family situation and the pain you've indefinitely been holding in temporarily faded away.

Both of you were gasping for breath, but you remained in one another's embrace. He offered you a soft smile. "Whatever is going on right now, we're going to get through it together Jagiya."

You glanced up at him, your heart swelled up with gratitude and admiration. For the first time in a while, you let out a small laugh.

"I love you so much, Park Jisung."

He leaned down to place another kiss on your lips. "Not as much as I love you."

Despite the rain continuing to fall around you, this moment of intimacy meant so much. This was life's reminder that no matter how heavy the storm may be, you had Park Jisung, and he had you. This knowledge left both of you with a sense of warmth. Nothing could break the bond you two shared.


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