Courage | Renjun Imagine #3

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Title: Courage

Genre: neighbors to lovers

Warnings: kissing, and it gets a little intense 😅

Word Count: 784

Author's Note: This story was originally supposed to be part of a group scenario for 7Dream as your neighbors. But after finishing Haechan's, I realized these might be way too long for one post. So I decided to just make them individual stories with the same theme. Also, this is a chance for me to post something for Mark and Renjun on this blog. Hope you guys like it ^ ^

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He had been living in the same apartment building as you have for a few months now. While he occupied the unit right above yours, and though you had crossed paths many times in the hallway or elevator, your interactions stayed limited to polite greetings and occasional small talk. At first, Renjun wasn't aware of the quiet attraction growing between you beneath the surface of these casual encounters.

However, one morning things shifted when Renjun was performing his skincare routine in the bathroom. Below him, he suddenly caught a faint melody drifting through the air amidst the sound of running water. Standing still as he snapped on the lid to his toner, Renjun listened a little more carefully. It didn't take long for him to discern that the heartfelt voice singing beneath his feet belonged to you.

A secret smile formed on his face, as he slowly picked up his next product to use. Just when Renjun thought he couldn't be more captivated by you, he was proven wrong. As the days turned into weeks, Renjun found himself looking forward to those mornings when you sang in the shower. He would purposely adjust his morning routine to coincide with your sweet melodies.

On one restless night, Renjun was kept awake by the thoughts of you swirling in his head. Despite knowing so little about you, there existed an inexplicable connection that made him believe that you two were meant to be more than just neighbors. After tossing and turning in bed, Renjun decided that he couldn't bottle his feelings anymore.

Without allowing room for second thoughts, Renjun swiftly rose from his bed and slid into his white sneakers. Not wanting to disturb the other tenants who were likely asleep, Renjun quietly made his way downstairs to your unit. He stood outside your door, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. Gathering all his courage, he knocked softly.

Seconds later, the door cautiously opened to you in your thin-rimmed glasses and cozy gray pajamas. Although you were usually awake past midnight, it wasn't like you expected people to come by during this time. Your eyes widened at the sight of Huang Renjun, clad in a beige cardigan and black pajama pants, standing right at your doorstep.

When you noticed the slightly unsettled expression he was wearing, your eyes flickered with concern. You've never seen him look so...anxious.

"Renjun, is everything okay?" you asked, keeping your voice hushed.

The boy let out a deep sigh, struggling to keep his nerves in check. "No...I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about you," Renjun admitted, his words carefully forming as he realized he should have planned this better.

You stared at the boy as if he just spit out some outrageous fact. "Me? What about me?"

Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Renjun made the decision to pour out his feelings. He started to express how he had heard you singing in the morning and instantly fell in love with your voice. Your heart raced as you silently processed what he was saying.

"I know it might sound weird, and I promise I wasn't stalking you!" he hurriedly clarified. "But your voice... It's so beautiful. Even though we haven't spoken much, I can tell you're a lovely person, and—"

Before Renjun could finish his sentence, you gently cupped his face and smashed your lips against his. Typically, you were a very reserved person— especially around someone who was just an acquaintance. However, maybe it was because you had also been secretly crushing on Renjun for ages, his confession ignited something within you.

He quickly melted into the moment, gently pressing his hand on your back as he responded to the kiss without hesitation. Gradually, your fingers became tangled in Renjun's hair. Your lips moved together slowly, tenderly, consumed by the unspoken longing that had lasted for far too long.

The two of you pulled back, both breathless with reddened lips and tousled hair. Renjun's eyes locked onto yours, his heart soaring like a rocket. "So...I take it that you like me too?"

In that moment, you were conflicted between wanting to cry, laugh, or roll your eyes. Trying to maintain your composure, you nodded lightly.

"Huang Renjun, you have no idea."

Renjun smiled again and pushed the door open further before reconnecting your lips in another passionate kiss. Kicking off his shoes, the two of you stumbled towards the couch, your lips never parting. You collapsed onto the soft cushions, wrapped up in each other, and the outside world faded away.

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