Unstoppable Feelings | Jeno Imagine #5

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Title: Unstoppable Feelings

Genre: A little angst, slight fluff

Warnings: mentions of reader being insecure

Word Count: 1301

Author's Note: I am so bad at coming up with titles for these things, so I apologize. This was another request from an anon, so I hope it's not too bad. Merry Christmas everyone ^ - ^

Also, have you guys noticed my new cover? It's made by @excellingfetus. Their shop is super cool, and I definitely recommend checking it out!

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Being the girlfriend of Lee Jeno made you feel like you were in a dream. Three years ago, you met through Jaemin. Due to your similar tastes, the two of you immediately hit it off. Then one year later, Jeno worked up the courage to confess his feelings and you guys became official.

Despite not having much experience, you could confidently say that Jeno was the perfect boyfriend. He treated you like a queen, he was affectionate, and he always had that adorable eye smile for you. Your relationship was full of cuddles, shy smiles, and frequent text messages when you weren't together.

But lately, things haven't been so nice.

From the beginning, you knew dating an idol wasn't going to be easy. You were supportive of his career and tried your best to be understanding. Even if it meant canceled dates, and not seeing each other for weeks.

It's been one of those months where your boyfriend has been busy preparing for his group's upcoming album. When he did have free time, you guys couldn't go out like normal couples. So Jeno would often invite you to his dorm, which you were fine with.

By the time you came over, however, you'd find him engrossed in some video game on his computer. All he mumbled was "hey," when you entered his room. Other than that, he barely acknowledged your presence.

This has been happening a lot lately. You'd be sitting on his bed, pretending to be occupied with your phone. Every so often you glanced over to watch his hands dart from the mouse to the keyboard as the colorful screen shined through.

"Jeno-ssi," You called his name softly. "Do you think we could—"

"Hold on, Jagi. Let me just finish this round," He replied, without even looking at you.

These instances bothered you more than you liked to admit. You weren't someone who called for a lot of attention from others, and it wasn't like you were one of those clingy girlfriends. Was just a few minutes away from his gaming asking too much of him?

It wasn't like you could do much at his dorms. But he could still make some effort to talk to you, right? Especially not seeing each other for days.

Nonetheless, you told yourself that you were just being oversensitive. You didn't have the right to be upset. He was probably so tired from work, and he was relieving some stress through gaming. Who were you to criticize him?

You've always been the insecure type, nothing new. You'd get over this feeling soon, you told yourself.

A few days ago, you went to lunch with some of your university friends. Aside from the classes you shared, they often talked about their boyfriends. Oddly, you could never fully join the conversation because you hadn't told them about Jeno. With him being an idol, it was safer to date quietly with very few people knowing.

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