Our Kisses | Chenle Imagine #4

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Title: Our Kisses

Genre: Fluff

Word Count: 745

Warnings: mentions of a heated make-out session (I tried not to make it too much though), and my personal opinions about American movies lol.

Author's Note: Just another Chenle imagine that came to mind. I kind of wanted to write something that was a little out of my comfort zone. My inspiration for this short story reflected my own personal thoughts about kissing (even though I have not had my first kiss yet). I know everyone has different opinions, and I respect that. Thank you for reading ^ - ^


The glowing white numbers on the clock showed 11:46 pm. But being awake at this hour wasn't unusual for you-- or your boyfriend. Currently, you were snuggled up on the couch together, watching the third movie of the night. The current one playing was some American film that Johnny had recommended.

Twenty minutes into the movie, a kissing scene came on the screen. Seeing the male protagonist practically swallow the female character, made both of you feel uncomfortable. Your nose scrunched up in disgust when you heard a moan.

"I don't understand why they have to show that," you commented, cuddling closer to Chenle. The scene continued to escalate hungrily among the lovers on the television in front of you.

Chenle made a face and agreed, "I know, right? But honestly, I don't think all kisses are gross like that."

"Isn't all kissing the same?" You raised an eyebrow, having difficulty registering what he meant.

He shook his head, glancing down at you. "Not necessarily. I mean, you and I kiss much differently than Western actors in movies do."

Your stomach fluttered at his words, almost certain that a faint shade of blush had appeared on your cheeks as well.

"You think? How so?" You kind of already knew the answer. But you still wanted to hear his point of view.

A small smile played on the boy's lips. Just thinking of the idea made him feel funny.

"Well, when we kiss, it's more gentle and sweet. We don't need to use our tongues to show affection," He explained nonchalantly. But his eyes softened, as he looked at you.

Your cheeks flushed even more but with warmth. Listening to his reasoning allowed your heart to weigh on the special connection Chenle and you shared.

"Huh, I never thought about it that way before," You admitted. "I do love the way we kiss. It feels intimate and more...real?"

Chenle slipped his hand into yours and intertwined your fingers in reassurance.

"Me too. I feel like our kisses are a reflection of how much we care about each other."

As the movie continued, you and Chenle began to get bored with the plot. But neither of you felt tired enough to fall asleep.

Suddenly, Chenle turned to you with a mischievous grin. "Do you wanna have some fun?"

His eyes sparkle with amusement, while yours narrow with suspicion.

"What are you implying, Chenle-ssi?"

You held back a gasp when he leaned in closer. His lips hovering just inches from yours. "Let's try kissing like they do in the movies."

His suggestion set off an internal conflict in your brain. You recalled a previous scene from the movie shown not too long ago. Even though Chenle was your boyfriend, you couldn't imagine copying something so...scandalous.

Chenle noticed your hesitation and pulled back a little. "Just this once?"

He gave you those pleading eyes. So after some brief contemplation, you exhaled a deep breath before nodding.

With your permission, Chenle leaned in again and you felt his lips press against yours with a fervent passion. His right hand rested on the back of your head, getting tangled in your hair. This kiss was definitely much hungrier than the ones Chenle usually gave you, and you shut your eyes tighter when he slipped his tongue.

Unexpectedly, you found yourself getting lost in the moment. Your mouths moved together in a sensual dance, allowing him to explore your lips in a way that felt strangely exhilarating. At some point, you felt Chenle's arms wrap around your waist, pulling you even closer to him as the kiss deepened.

Finally, the both of you pulled away. Although you were practically gasping for air, you surprisingly didn't feel too grossed out about it. But then again, Chenle had the ability to change your perspective on things.

"That was...amazing," He breathed.

You shrugged, with a small smile. "Yeah, not as bad as I thought. But I still prefer our kisses. They're more..."

"Us?" Chenle finished your sentence.

A sense of relief washed over you. Truthfully, it was nice to be with someone who shared your views of intimacy. But trying something new, confirmed that you guys didn't need to rely on exaggerated displays of affection. The kisses you shared with Chenle were special no matter how gentle or light.

At the end of the day, each one of your kisses exchanged represented the meaningful love that no movie could ever replicate.


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