Self-Harm | Dream Reaction #1 (hyung line)

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Reaction: When they find out their gf self-harms (hyung line)

Genre: Angst

Warnings: Mention of mental health issues, self-harm, dark thoughts

Word Count: 2378

Author's Note: This is something I always wanted to write about for NCT Dream. Writing this also took a long time, and the stories for the members were longer than I had intended them to be. So I decided to just post the hyung line for now. I will post for the maknae line in the near future! Thank you for reading ^-^

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Mark was so excited when he was told that there was no schedule today. There were no recordings he needed to do, dance practices he had to attend, or promotional activities to go to. It was the perfect opportunity to finally spend some quality time with one of the people he loved the most, you.

He knew that you had work today, so he decided to wait at your apartment and surprise you. He may or may not have attempted to cook you your favorite food. But Mark being Mark, that plan didn't go so well. He had accidentally spilled something on his hoodie.

Luckily, you kept a few extra pairs of clothes in case he ever stayed over. So he headed for your room. As he approached your dresser, there was a blue journal he had never seen before. Absentmindedly he opened it to see what was inside.

At first, Mark was confused to see such terrible words in your handwriting. The worst part was you were saying them to yourself. Things about how you weren't good enough for him, how worthless you were, how much you hated yourself. It broke Mark.

When you came home that day, Mark would immediately pull you into a long hug. Taken aback by both his presence and sudden actions quickly caused you to be worried.

"Mark? Did something happen?"

In response he would hug you tighter, placing his hand on the back of your head. He was afraid that he would lose you if he let go. Squeezing back, you questioned if he was okay and what was wrong. But it took him a while to answer.

Eventually, he would pull away and gently take hold of your arm. Before you could react, he slowly pulled up your sleeve and saw the cuts that started at your forearm and stopped just a few inched below your wrist.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He would ask, holding back tears.

Your face was pale from the shock of Mark now seeing the real you. You had tried so hard to hide this from him.

"I...I didn't want to worry you," Your voice broke. "You already have so much on your plate. I thought...I thought, who am I to cause you any more stress?"

When you started to cry, Mark would lead you to the couch and comfort you the best he could. Once you began to calm down he would try to cheer you up.

"If you didn't know already, it's sorta my job as your boyfriend to worry about you."

A small laugh would escape your lips as you wiped the leftover tears from your eyes. He would instantly smile at this and place a kiss on your temple.

Taking your hand in his, he would tell you seriously, "I don't want you to ever think you're a burden to me Y/n-ah, okay?"

Mark felt the weight of your head rest on his shoulder and murmur an "okay" in response. He made sure that you were close to him for the rest of the day. He told himself that he would put extra effort into making sure you were happy and healthy.

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