Care | Dream Headcanon #8

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Title: Their GF Taking Care of Them

Genre: Fluff, slight angst

Warnings: mention of being insecure, but nothing too serious

Word Count: 1671k

Author's Note: This is another thing I've been working on for a while. I'm sure most of us know about the Dream Show 2 being canceled, and Mark getting covid along with Renjun. The concert meant so much to us and them. It makes me sad to think about how devastated they must be. Anyway, I wrote this headcanon because I think it's important to remember that our boys deserve so much love.

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He was working in the studio when you dropped by to check on him. You guys ended up chilling on the sofa, where you let Mark lay his head on your lap. A poor attempt at getting him to rest was turned into one of Mark's rant sessions.

Not that you minded listening to him vent. This has become pretty common for you two. It warmed your heart to know that Mark trusted you enough to share his insecurities, and what was bothering him. These times would be healing for him.

"Uh huh," You'd say now and then, to let him know that you were listening.

Then after an hour passed, Mark would glance up at you who was playing with his hair to help him relax. There would be a swarm of emotions he felt all at once when looking at you.

"Thank you for listening to my stupid rants," He mumbled, feeling bad that he had been talking this whole time.

But you'd shake your head and say, "They're not stupid. Your feelings and thoughts are important. I'm glad that you can come to me about these things."

"You're always so reassuring." Mark would then smile at you. "Thank you, (Y/n)-ah."

Then you'd smile back and kiss his forehead. "Of course."



It didn't take a fool to see that Renjun had heart-eyes for you. He admired how kind and soft-spoken you were. He felt like he could come to you for anything, and you'd be there to listen whole-heartedly. There were so many times when he found himself falling for you all over again.

Renjun knew you weren't great at expressing yourself. But he saw that you did things for him subtly. For example, you'd sometimes bring coffee to him in the mornings. Or when you sent a text, reminding him to bring an umbrella because the weather forecast said it would rain that day. If you guys were in a group and saw he was trying to talk, you'd go out of your way to make sure his voice was heard. He loved how you were always looking after him.

"Renjun, stop staring at me." You covered your face to hide the blush that had risen to your cheeks.

The two of you were watching a movie or something, and you had gotten him a blanket when you saw him shiver a little. After that Renjun kept glancing back at you, thinking about how sweet you were.

"Why? Is there something wrong with looking at my pretty girlfriend?"

"Not helping!" You said, feeling more embarrassed.

Renjun laughed and brought your hands down so he could kiss you. You were so adorable in his eyes.


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