Mistake | Haechan Imagine #6

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Title: Mistake

Genre: neighbors to lovers

Warnings: mentions of a toxic relationship and drinking

Word Count: ~15k

Author's Note: Another neighbor to love story, but for Haechan. Something about writing a Haechan story with the enemies-to-lovers trope is so fun to write. I also feel like he is a very straightforward person. So he's not someone who is more likely to be honest about his feelings? I don't know, that's just my thoughts. I hope you guys like this and look forward to my upcoming works ^ ^


For someone who appreciated a peaceful and drama-free lifestyle, you lucked out with having Lee Donghyuck or Haechan as your neighbor—the complete opposite of you. Despite residing an entire floor below him, the thin walls proved ineffective in containing whatever nonsense emanated from his apartment. Almost every other night this guy was throwing impromptu parties, as if there weren't other people who lived in the building.

Countless evenings were spent sitting at your desk, trying to study while the loud music from above constantly disrupted your focused state. At first, you didn't say anything because you liked to avoid any form of conflict. But on a particularly stressful night before exams, you decided you had enough and mustered up the courage to confront your lovely neighbor (yes, you were being sarcastic).

Of course, Haechan didn't take your complaints seriously and even had the nerve to invite you to join his ridiculous gathering. You firmly retorted that some people actually wanted to get some work done, before storming back down the stairs. Things with him had remained tense ever since.

Honestly, Haechan couldn't understand how you could be so...quiet. Both of you were in your early twenties, and you should be savoring this youthful phase of life. How could someone perpetually bury their noses in books when there was a world of excitement waiting to be experienced?

On the other hand, all you could do was huff and cross your arms in response. You didn't appreciate Donghyuck's carefree attitude one bit. Little did you know that beneath his party-loving exterior, there was a whirlpool of emotions brewing.

A few weeks later, you were getting off the bus after studying at the library a little longer than anticipated. You had skipped lunch after class to go there, so food had been forgotten until now. Letting out a sigh, you stopped at the convenience store near your apartment to buy a triangle kimbap.

What you didn't expect was to encounter a sluggish-looking Haechan, hands trembling as he clutched a bag of soju. His usually gleeful eyes were clouded with a sadness you had never seen in him before. He didn't even notice you as he was about to pass by.

"Haechan," you instinctively reached for the end of his hoodie sleeve. "What's wrong?"

He hastily pulled away from your grasp, "Don't act like you care, (Y/n). Just go back to studying your boring life away."

His words stung and caused you to clench your fists in frustration. But knowing he didn't mean it, you followed him outside. "You're my neighbor—of course I care," you muttered.

Despite being perhaps the most irritating person you'd ever met, it was evident that something was troubling him deeply. You weren't about to turn your back on someone who was clearly upset, especially a ray of sunshine like Lee Haechan.

Haechan didn't respond immediately. But eventually, tears began to well in his eyes as he released a heavy sigh. "I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me at my own party."

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