Insecurities | Dream Reaction #2 (maknae-line)

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Reaction: When their gf is insecure about their body (maknae-line)

Genre: Angst, slight fluff

Warnings: Mentions of low self-esteem, mental health subjects

Word Count: 2,193

Requested: Yes

Author's Note: Here is the second part of this request. I'm sorry for it coming out this late. It's almost the end of the school year for me, so lately I've been having a lot of work to do. I'm currently in the process of working on my other requests, but I don't think anything will be out anytime soon. I apologize in advance for this, and will hopefully get back on track once all this chaos is over. Thank you for reading ^-^

*CC - Campus Couple

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At first, Jaemin had no idea that you were insecure about yourself until he found out on his own. But even so, he only started to pick up on things half a year into your relationship. He didn't get much time to spend with you due to his job. But when he was with you, he started to notice that you rarely ate. Sometimes you'd bring him food you made, but he never saw you eat anything.

Other times you just said you weren't hungry. If you were on a call or text and he'd ask if you ate anything, you never gave a direct answer and tried to change the subject. He would begin to worry if you were regularly skipping meals or worse, starving yourself.

Then he started to pick up on how you never accepted any of his compliments. "No, I'm not pretty." "You're just saying that to be nice." "You don't have to lie, Jaemin." Then he remembered how tense you got when he tried to take a picture of you or someone else.

Jaemin would be so troubled by this. One day all of his realizations would pile up and he didn't know what to do. He might go to Jeno to voice out his concerns because he was so stressed. He just couldn't fathom how you didn't like yourself.

Eventually, Jaemin concluded that he had to talk to you about this problem, and he was determined to help you. He would wait to find the right time and sit you down somewhere private.

"(Y/n)-ah, we need to talk," he'd say.

Immediately you would be alarmed by his tone. "Did I...Did I do something?"

He shook his arm and placed a hand on your arm, "No it's not like that."

Then he would tell you about what he had noticed recently and his concerns for your health. You felt so exposed when he finished. You almost didn't know what to say.

Fidgeting with the ends of your sleeves you'd not-so-convincingly softly say, "I'm...I'm fine Jaemin. You don't need to worry about me."

"Are you really fine though?" He hoped that you didn't feel pressured to talk. But he wanted you to be honest with him about your feelings.

There would be a small pause. You'd meet Jaemin's eyes and look at him for a second before letting out a shaky breath. "No, I'm not."

Jaemin would put his hand over yours as tears started to form in your eyes. What you said next nearly broke him into pieces. "Sometimes I just get afraid that I'll never be good enough for you."

Ever since you were young you were self-conscious. Dating Jaemin was one of the best decisions you made, but it also caused your insecurities to rise. Just look at the man, he was so attractive and there were so many female idols that looked so much prettier than you. Despite Jaemin telling you numerous times that he only had eyes for you, that couldn't stop the thoughts in your head.

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