Love Me More | Jaemin Imagine #10

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Title: Love Me More

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: slightly suggestive, light making out

Word Count: 528

Author's Note: I honestly feel like it's just become a habit for me to write Jaemin imagine whenever the hopeless romantic in me wants to spill out. Maybe it's because Jaemin is such boyfriend material and I can just imagine all these little moments between him and his girlfriend. Anywho, thank you for reading. I hope you like it ^ ^

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The kitchen was filled with the enticing aroma of spices as you stirred a pot of curry on the stove. You were completely in your element, preparing dinner in the comfort of your apartment, with Taylor Swift songs playing in the background.

You didn't even notice your boyfriend walking in with a mischievous smile playing on his lips. He approached from behind, startling you when his arms wrapped around your waist.

"What's cooking, my love?" he whispered into your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.

Trying to ignore the heat rising to your cheeks, you kept your eyes focused on the pot. "I'm making some curry for us," you replied calmly. Jaemin leaned in to press a soft kiss to your cheek, nearly causing you to melt on the spot.

"Well, it smells amazing. But you know what smells even better?" he teased, nuzzling your neck.

You couldn't hold back a giggle, playfully swatting at him. "Jaemin, I can't cook if you're distracting me."

Unfazed by your protests, Jaemin persisted in peppering kisses anywhere he could. He planted a gentle kiss on your neck, then another one on your jaw, before returning to your cheek again.

"Na Jaemin! You're going to drive me crazy," you exclaimed, casting a flustered glance at him.

An innocent pout formed on his lips, "What? I just want to love you."

His intentions were so pure, but they caused a mix of emotions to swirl within you. Giving in with a sigh, you lowered the heat on the stove and turned around to wrap your arms around Jaemin's neck. The tips of your fingers brushed lightly through his dark hair, as you gazed into his eyes with a soft intensity.

"Love me more then," you whispered with a hint of vulnerability in your voice.

A broad smile lit up his face as he eagerly met your lips for a passionate kiss. The warmth between you strengthened, and he lifted you effortlessly onto the counter. Your heart raced as you deepened the kiss, surrendering yourself to the moment.

Your surroundings faded away as the kitchen simply became a place for your shared affection. Jaemin's hand gently pressed against your waist, as your lips danced fervently with one another.

Although the moment felt eternal, it sadly came to an end. Your eyes locked with a shared understanding when you broke away from the kiss. His forehead rested against yours, as he caught his breath.

"I love you, (Y/n)," he murmured, unleashing a flutter of butterflies within you.

You smiled at him tenderly. "I love you too, Jaemin. Can I please finish cooking before the curry burns now?"

Jaemin chuckled, giving you one last lingering kiss before helping you off the counter. As you returned back to the stove, he stayed by your side. The warmth of your love infused the kitchen, turning a simple evening into a cherished memory.

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