Comfort | Dream Headcanon #4

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Headcanon: How they comfort their gf when she's sad or insecure

Genre: Angst, Slight fluff

Warnings: Mentions of mental health, anxiety, & depression

Word Count: 2423

Author's Note: It took me a while to write this. Some are longer than others but I did my best to not sound repetitive to all the members. Thank you for reading ^-^

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Mark was an attentive boyfriend, and he cared a lot for your wellbeing. So when there was that one small change like the way you seemed to use all your strength to smile at him, he noticed.

"(Y/n)-ah, you seem tired," He said when he caught you zoning out again.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine."

Mark didn't ask any further than that. He knew something was bothering you. But you were stubborn and someone who kept their emotions to themselves. You didn't want to burden Mark with your problems.

Nevertheless, Mark still made sure to keep a watchful eye on you. Even though you never said anything to him, he would be by your side silently. Doing his best to make you laugh and feel loved when you were together. He did these things with the hope that you would eventually tell him what was wrong.

But the more time passed, the more Mark felt uneasy. There was one day you were hanging out together, and you had left the room to pick up a call. When you were gone for too long, Mark got up to see if everything was okay.

His suspicions were correct when he heard you yelling on the phone. Instantly as he entered the room, he saw you hang up in frustration and angrily ran your hands through your hair. When the first tears fell, Mark decided that he couldn't stand idly by any longer.

The rapper slowly approached you. You couldn't even keep it together when you realized he was there. You were so overwhelmed with exasperation and agony, that you couldn't hold it in anymore. He would place his hands on your shoulders and meet your eyes.

"(Y/n)-ah, look at me."

Shaking your head, "I-I'm sorry. It''s just..."

"Come on, let's sit down and talk." He took your hand and led you back to the living room. He had you sit on the couch, while he knelt in front of you.

He could feel your body trembling and shaky breaths, as more tears of frustration streamed down your cheeks. It saddened him to see you in this condition. But this was going to happen one way or another.

Gently rubbing his hands over yours, softly he would say, "I...I've noticed you were upset recently. And I was waiting for you to come to me."

He looked into your watery eyes with a sad smile, "But I guess I'm the one who has to come to you."

His sweet words only made you cry more. "I'm sorry Mark," you sobbed, "I thought...I thought I could handle everything on my own. I just didn't want you to see me like...this."

Mark stood up to hug you. "You know I'm always here for you, Jagiya. You don't have to hide anything."

"You don't have to suffer alone. Share your pain with me so we can get through it together." He wiped any remaining tears with his thumb.

He would be with you the rest of the day and make sure you were okay. Once you calmed down, you told him about your argument with your mom and how she's been tearing you apart.

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