Thawing Hearts | Mark Imagine #4

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Title: Thawing Hearts

Genre: angst, sort of strangers to lovers

Warnings: mentions of reader having a breakdown (what else is new 🙄?), and feeling overwhelmed

Word Count: ~1k

Author's Note: This was totally not written based on a personal experience 😅. I don't know, I felt like Mark is the type of person to comfort a stranger crying on the street if he was passing by. He's so kind and genuine. So I wanted to portray that side of him in this little story. Hope you guys like it. Thank you for reading ^ ^


The brisk late afternoon breeze cut through Mark's jacket as he emerged from the campus building, having just come out of a club meeting. The echo of his Air Jordans seemed to be the only sound in the practically empty parking lot. But as Mark neared his car, he spotted a figure seated on the concrete ledge by an open parking space. Squinting in the dim light, he recognized it was you from his English class the previous semester.

Mark saw your shoulders shivering—not just because of the cold, but from the weight of something unseen. Soft whimpers escaped your lips, your hands muffling the sound as tears cascaded down, leaving glistening trails on your cheeks.

Though Mark had only a limited acquaintance with you, the sight both concerned and intrigued him. In class, he had known you solely as the quiet girl who consistently excelled in essays. Witnessing you in tears caused a twinge of sadness in his heart, yet there was also a certain refreshing authenticity in seeing an emotion break through your reserved demeanor.

Knowing that he couldn't just walk past you, Mark approached you cautiously. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked, genuine worry etched across his face.

His presence startled you, and it was almost unsettling for him to witness the swift shift in your demeanor. Swiftly brushing away your tears, you glanced up at Mark with a forced smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just allergies," you responded, accompanied by a quick sniff.

Mark furrowed his brow slightly, sensing there was more beneath the surface of your words. "You sure? It looked like something more than allergies," he said gently, offering a sympathetic gaze.

You hesitated for a moment, avoiding direct eye contact. Clearly, you hadn't anticipated this unexpected encounter, and now a wave of embarrassment washed over you, realizing that someone you knew had caught you in a moment of vulnerability.

Undeterred by your silence, Mark wasn't ready to give up. He settled down beside you, feeling the chill of the concrete beneath. You turned to him with a perplexed expression.

"You don't have to share if you're not comfortable. But if something's bothering you, talking it out might help," he suggested, his gaze conveying understanding. "And I promise I won't judge you."

Exhaling, you sniffed and directed your gaze back down at the asphalt beneath you. "It's just...everything seems to be piling up, you know?"

Mark nodded, acknowledging the familiar weight of those pressures. "I feel you. Life can be overwhelming at times," he empathized.

"Yeah, it's as if everything just hits you at once," you reflected, pausing briefly before continuing, "And I'm too weak to handle it."

You were a bit surprised with yourself for opening up so quickly. Typically, you hated talking about your feelings. But there was something about Mark's presence—though you barely knew him—that made you feel inexplicably safe.

As those thoughts crossed your mind, Mark spoke up. "Feeling overwhelmed doesn't make you weak. We all face challenges, and it's okay to struggle."

Finally, you locked eyes with him, recognizing the softness in his gaze. "But you don't have to face those struggles alone," he affirmed.

Sniffing again, you smiled wryly, "I've always faced hardships alone because I'm afraid of becoming a burden to those around me."

Your confession prompted Mark to realize that you must not have had the best support system before. Even though he barely knew you, his heart sank at the thought of you hurting alone to avoid burdening others.

"I don't know you very well, (Y/n)," Mark said, maintaining a gentle tone in his voice. "But I don't need to in order to know that you're not a burden. I'm sorry if anyone ever made you feel that way."

Fresh tears welled up in your eyes as the warmth of Mark's words provided more comfort than you were accustomed to. A part of you feared that this was all a dream, and that there wasn't someone who actually cared. Anyone who saw you in a messy state would have just walked away. Yet, his sincerity shone through his words, casting a doubt on your skepticism.

Something about seeing the shimmering tears in your eyes made Mark feel strange. Unintentionally, he couldn't help but notice the subtle beauty that emerged in this vulnerable moment. Absent-mindedly, he reached a hand out to catch the first tear with his thumb.

His eyes widened in alarm as his skin made contact with yours. "Dude, you're freezing! How long have you been sitting out here?"

The abrupt shift in his demeanor was almost laughable to you. Mark's attention then shifted to your hands, the tips of your fingers tinged red. You had momentarily forgotten about the cold when he started talking to you.

Mark cursed under his breath as he enclosed your hands within his own. "We need to get you somewhere warm," he insisted urgently.

You opened your mouth to protest, but Mark was already helping you up from your feet. He mumbled something about his car not being far, assuring you that you should be okay there.

As Mark guided you towards his car, you found it hard to fathom the depth of his kindness. The contrast between the chilly exterior world and the warmth emanating from him created a surreal sensation. You couldn't shake off the feeling of his care, and it was subtly making your heart flutter in a way you hadn't expected.

Once inside the car, Mark adjusted the heater, ensuring a cocoon of warmth surrounded you. He glanced at you, concern etched on his face. "Are you feeling a bit better now?" he asked, his eyes reflecting the same worry from earlier.

You nodded nimbly, "Thank you."

The back of your mind was still processing the fact that someone you barely knew had gone out of their way to help you. The gentle hum of the car engine and the rhythmic sound of tires against the pavement provided a comforting backdrop to your thoughts.

Perhaps Mark Lee was exactly the type of person you needed in your life to thaw the ice in your heart. And from the way he gazed at you with such tenderness, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was starting.


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