Late Night | Jaemin Imagine #2

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Title: Late Night

Genre: Fluff, slight comedy

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1084k

Author's Note: Another idea that came to me randomly. It's a little cliche, so I apologize. I was able to finish this one fairly quickly. If you see my W.I.P page, I have other things that I'm working to write and post on here. Thank you for reading ^ - ^


It was a late night on the weekend and you were having a sleepover with the 00' line of NCT Dream. Yes, you knew how weird it was to be the only girl in a group of guys. But they were your closest friends, so they saw you like a sister. Well, almost all of them.

The thing was, Jaemin has a secret crush on you. But he never said anything, because he didn't think you felt the same way. Little did he know that you've also liked the boy for some time now. You refrained from doing anything about it for the same reasons as Jaemin. Honestly, it was a little frustrating for the rest of the guys to watch.

The time was 11 pm, and you guys had finished the last episode of Crash Landing on You. Earlier you guys had played a few games and ordered fried chicken for dinner. A lot of laughter and some bickering had occurred. You were all grateful to have a break and relax a bit together.

"What should we do now?" Jeno asked.

Haechan snapped his fingers, signaling he had an idea. "We should have a girl talk!"

"Uh—you do realize (Y/n) is the only girl here, right?" Renjun raised an eyebrow at his fellow member.

The singer rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean. Let's just talk about something, anything."

You guys exchanged glances, and reluctantly gave in. You grabbed one of the couch pillows to hold on to.

"Okay, what are we going to talk about?" asked Jaemin.

You squeezed the pillow tighter, not liking the look that Haechan was giving you.

"Why not about you and Jaemin?"

"What—what about us?" You nearly choked on the air. Jaemin seemed to be also thrown off by the sudden attention. But he tried not to show it too much.

Renjun leaned forward. "Oh right. You guys aren't dating yet?"

"What do you mean?" Jaemin laughed nervously.

"I swear, I've never seen two people be so oblivious," Haechan facepalmed. "Seriously, I feel like you've both liked each other since forever."

You and Jaemin coincidentally made eye contact, and shades of pink quickly appeared across your cheeks. A few minutes ago you were cold, but now the room felt hot all of sudden.

"Pfft. Where did you guys get that idea?" You tried to brush them off.

In response, Renjun rolled his eyes. "Do we really have to explain?"

"You're constantly flirting and getting shy around each other," Jeno started to list their reasoning with his fingers. "Jaemin only takes pictures of (Y/n) with his camera, and (Y/n) always chooses Jaemin when it comes to partner things for games or driving somewhere."

Haechan held his hand toward the two of you, "You guys even sat next to each other!"

Neither would've realized that if Haechan hadn't pointed that out. In a way, you both subconsciously gravitated toward one another. But you weren't aware Jaemin was like that too.

Feeling quite overwhelmed by all of this, you quickly changed the topic to something else. But when you guys finally retired for the night, you couldn't fall asleep. What the guys said earlier about you and Jaemin kept swimming through your head.

Too caught up in your thoughts, you got up and went to the kitchen to get some water. You were surprised to see Jaemin there when you came in.

"You're still awake?" You heard him ask. The darkness in the room made it slightly harder to see him. You nodded hesitantly and went over to stand by him behind the counter.

"Couldn't sleep. You?"


A short silence filled the void in between you. Things felt a little awkward now, after what happened earlier. Both of you were unsure of what to say.

"Do you really like me?" You worked up the courage to ask. It was a stupid question, that you probably shouldn't have said anything.

Jaemin hesitated but to your surprise, he nodded. "Yeah, a lot actually. I have for a long time."

Wow, and you were too afraid to be rejected by him. You didn't think that he'd actually feel the same. All of sudden, your heart was beating super fast. It was almost as if you had been waiting for Jaemin to tell you those words. You could tell he was anxiously waiting for a response.

" you too," You mumbled, brushing a loose strand of your hair back.

Jaemin stared at you blankly for a few seconds, before placing a hand on his chest.

"Whew, that's a relief."

You laughed lightly at his reaction. Jaemin smiled and reached his hand to your face but stopped before he could touch you.

"What is it?" You asked.

Jaemin lowered his head. "I want to kiss you. But I don't want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable."

Even now, he was still being considerate and wanted your consent first. He was such a sweetheart.

"You can, if you want to," You heard yourself say without thinking.

His ears perked up and the two of you stared at each other for a few seconds. Then before Jaemin could regret it, he cupped half of your face and brought your lips to meet his. He was careful to make sure not to rush things. When he felt you were easing into the kiss, he placed his opposite hand on your waist.

The kiss was so tender and sweet. You broke away a few times, only to be pulled back in for more. He had your back gently pressed against the counter, as the only sound you could hear was your lips moving against one another. That was until you heard footsteps shuffling from the kitchen entrance.

Jaemin and you jumped off each other when you saw it was Haechan.

Haechan rolled his eyes, "Finally. But it's kinda weird you two are making out at two in the morning."

While you hid your face in Jaemin's chest, he threw his head back in annoyance.

" ruined the moment, Haechan-ah!"

Haechan laughed and left the room. A little later when you recovered, Jaemin glanced down at you.

"So are we like boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

You smiled shyly. "I guess so."

Jaemin's heart nearly exploded when you wrapped your arms around his torso and your head looked up toward him. He hugged you back and pressed a kiss against your hair.

The two of you couldn't be happier than right now.


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