Serendipitous Encounter | Chenle Imagine #5

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Title: Serendipitous Encounter

Genre: Fluff, slight angst if you squint

Warnings: none

Word Count: 964

Author's Note: I swear the first few paragraphs of this story were all that existed for the longest time, and the words just stared at me blankly on the Google doc. Thankfully, I finally found the motivation to finish it. I don't write many stories about first meetings, so I thought I should give it a try. Also, I just love getting the chance to write for Chenle (he has a special place in my heart). It's been a while since I started this, but I think my inspiration for this story was an article about this person playing basketball with Chenle and mistaking him for Taeyong? Anyway, hope you guys like this story. Thank you for reading ^ ^


The light evening of the wind from the Han River swept through Chenle's bangs. His agile legs propelled him forward as he skillfully dribbled an orange ball in his hands. Within moments, he made a graceful leap before soaring through the air. A satisfied smile immediately formed as he watched the ball effortlessly swish through the basket.

After retrieving the basketball, he attempted to make another shot. However this time, his previous results did not repeat. Rather a girl standing beside one of the trees happened to be the ball's target as it bonked her on the head. A yelp followed as she was thrown off balance and fell against the sidewalk. Chenle's face twisted in a grimace as he rushed over to check the girl hadn't sustained any serious injuries.

"I'm so sorry!" He exhaled, voice laced with concern. "Are you okay?"

Chenle extended his hand, offering assistance in helping her stand up. His expression shifted when she glanced up to meet his eyes. He didn't expect her to look so...captivating. Her long, dark hair was slightly tousled from the ball. A shade of pink appeared across her cheeks, as she seemed a bit flustered from the unexpected situation.

"I—I'm fine," She muttered, "I can get up on my own."

Following her words, she hastily scrambled up on her feet and dusted off pants. Once she stood up, she finally got a proper look at the boy in a black hoodie and gray sweatpants. Although he was dressed casually, he certainly didn't look like your average guy. She's never seen such charisma in one's eyes, and his smooth complexion only enhanced his attractiveness. Aside from his striking visuals, she felt like she's seen this boy somewhere. He looked to be around the same age as her or older.

"Do I know you?" She heard herself asking hesitantly, hoping not to come off as too forward.

The boy scratched his head and smiled sheepishly. "Maybe? I'm Chenle, from NCT."

Chenle could barely contain the sense of pride when her eyes widened with recognition. Well, no wonder he looked familiar. He definitely gave off K-pop idol vibes.

"Ah, my friend is a fan of your group!" She clapped her hands.

"Oh really?" She nodded quietly, noticing the genuine curiosity in his eyes as his head tilted with interest.

"What's your name, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh I'm (Y/n)," She replied quietly. Your gaze remained fixated on the basketball cradled in his arms. A flicker of remembrance crossed your mind. "I think I remember my friend saying you were a basketball lover."

A nonchalant smile played on Chenle's lips as he glanced back at the court before returning his attention to you. "Yeah, I try to play whenever I get the chance," he shared.

Driven by a sense of intrigue, he couldn't help but ask what brought her to the park. In response, she shared her motive for seeking extra credit for a photography class she was taking at her university.

"I was walking home from the library, and it's such a nice evening," She explained. "So I thought I might as well take a few pictures and submit one of them."

"Oh, that's cool," Chenle remarked, his curiosity piqued. "Can I see some of them?"

Blushing once more, she reached for her phone, eager to share the scenic shots she had captured.

"They're not the best," She admitted modestly, offering him a glimpse of her amateur photography skills. To her surprise, Chenle's eyes widened with genuine interest as he peered over her shoulder to see.

"Well you take better pictures than I do," He reckoned. A subtle tone of admiration was evident in his words. In other words, he was indirectly letting her know he was impressed.

She smiled shyly in response to his compliment. "I'm sure that's not true."

Chenle found himself smiling as well, appreciating her gentle and soft-spoken nature. He was more used to being around his loud and chaotic members. Although their encounter was mere coincidence, she didn't feel like a mere stranger to him. There was a subtle longing within him that yearned for more than just a fleeting interaction.

"By the way, is your head okay? I'm sorry, again." A hint of concern returned to his voice.

Absently, his right hand reached out to gently smooth your hair, his focus consumed by genuine worry. Unaware of the subtle blush that tinted her cheeks, he remained fully invested in ensuring her well-being.

"It's alright. I should've been paying more attention to my surroundings," She mumbled.

His eyes sparkled with determination as he interjected, "Still, I'd like to make it up to you. How about I treat you to a cup of coffee or something? It's the least I can do for the accident."

His unexpected offer caught her completely by surprise. Did a member of one of Korea's most popular boy groups just ask her out? Though she tended to be incredibly shy around guys, the thought of rejecting him felt unimaginable. Besides, he was kind of her type. His smile was cute and exuded a confidence that made her heart flutter.

Taking a deep breath, she made up her mind not to let this opportunity slip away.

"I—I think I'd like that," She eventually nodded.

The grin on Chenle's face widened, his excitement evident as he swiftly took out his phone to exchange contact information with her. Something more was born in this unintentional meeting that brought them together—a promise of a deeper connection. With the anticipation of a future coffee date, the two parted ways with rose-tinted cheeks and giddy smiles. Even though they just met and he barely knew her, Chenle had a feeling that he just met the one for him.


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