Friends? | Jisung Imagine #3

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Title: Friends?

Genre: Best friends to lovers

Warnings: none

Word Count: 711

Author's Note: For some reason, the question of whether guys and girls can be friends was dancing around my mind the other day. I'm sure everyone has different answers. But it inspired me to write a little story, and I thought Jisung suited the concept the best. Hope you guys like it ^ ^


A peaceful silence flowed through your room, broken only by the sounds of textbook pages flipping and the soft scratch of your pencil marking notes in your notebook. As you worked diligently on homework, your eyes occasionally flitted to Jisung who lounged on your bed. Since his arrival, he had been lying there, eyes fixating on the ceiling above.

However, the silence was broken when Jisung spoke abruptly. "(Y/n), do you think guys and girls can just be friends?"

Raising an eyebrow, you paused your work to shoot him a questioning look. "Why do you ask?"

"Chenle and I were arguing about it," he explained, propping himself up on his elbows. "He said it's impossible. What do you think?"

Contemplating the question logically, you found yourself nodding thoughtfully. "Yeah, I think it's kind of hard for guys and girls to maintain a purely platonic friendship. It never lasts because someone usually catches feelings, which makes things complicated."

Jisung frowned, sitting up in protest. "But you and I are friends."

"We'll we're a different story," you reasoned. "We've known each other since primary school."

Turning back to your desk, you cast a slightly disheartened glance at your homework. "Besides, it's not like we have any feelings for each other," you added half-heartedly.

Feeling frustrated by your words, Jisung mumbled without thinking. "I do, though."

Alarms instantly blared in your head, and you spun back around in your chair with a startled expression. Maybe your mind was playing tricks on you.

"What did you just say?"

Recognizing his slip-up, Jisung slapped his hand over his mouth. "What?! No, I—I didn't say anything."

"Yes, you did. I heard you," you deadpanned, unwilling to let him escape the situation.

Jisung sighed, his shoulders sinking in defeat. "Okay, this is going to sound crazy. But I've had this crush on you since...I don't know...forever."

His cheeks reddened when he saw your jaw drop. He then began to ramble about how you've always been there for him, and how his heart started beating faster when you were around.

His confession hit you like a wave, capsizing the ship of your assumptions. Yet, as you pushed through the water, you suddenly realized all the time you had wasted thinking your feelings were one-sided.

"Park Jisung, I like you too," you cut him off, barely able to contain the glee bubbling within you.

The boy's eyes widened in surprise. "You do?!"

"Yeah, I do. I just didn't think you felt the same way," you admitted quietly.

You watched in amusement as Jisung placed a hand over his chest in relief as if a weight had just been lifted off his shoulders.

"So, what do we know?" he asked, looking at you with a bashful grin.

His question made you realize that you had never really thought beyond confessing to your crush.

You shrugged in response. "What do you want to do?"

Jisung hesitated for a moment, before meeting your eyes with a more serious gaze. "I want to kiss you," he said, panic quickly accompanying his words. "But only if you're okay with that!"

With a small smile, you nodded. "I'm okay with that."

Still a bit shy, Jisung slowly stood up from your bed, and you met him halfway. Your heart rate instantly sped up when he cautiously cupped your right cheek. While you had been this close to him dozens of times, there was now a new, fluttery sensation of anticipation lingering in the air.

His lips gently brushed against yours at first, as if he wanted to confirm that you were okay. When you didn't show any signs of pulling away, Jisung's hand found yours. Once your fingers were intertwined, he leaned down to press his lips onto yours.

The kiss was a little awkward at first, given that both of you were relatively new at this. However, as you both began to relax, the experience became more enjoyable. It didn't feel like you were kissing your best friend. Instead, it was the realization of a connection that had been in your heart for a long time.

As the two of you parted with shy smiles on your face, you both agreed that it's pretty hard for guys and girls to stay friends.


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