Insecurities | Dream Reaction #2 (hyung-line)

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Reaction: When their gf is insecure about their body (hyung-line)

Genre: Angst, slight fluff

Warnings: Mentions of low self-esteem, mental health subjects

Word Count: 11,182

Requested: Yes

Author's Note: This was requested by another lovely anon! I actually debated on covering this topic for a headcanon before. So I'm glad I got the chance to do it now. As I was writing these, I realized that there was no way I could post them all at once because they were kinda long. The topic of body image issues can vary depending on the person. So I tried my best to make these a little vague, so everyone could relate. And just a personal message to readers who struggle with insecurities, I know how it feels to not be comfortable in your own skin, and you are surely not alone.

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You met Mark in high school when he first came to Korea. He was the cute transfer student from Canada that was a little clueless the first few weeks. But the two of you immediately hit it off. After only a few months of knowing each other, Mark asked you to be his girlfriend. There was one thing that had sparked an interest in each other in the first place. It was your shared dreams of becoming kpop idols.

While Mark was a trainee, you never gained the courage to audition yourself. He was surprised when you told him this, and since then kept encouraging you to audition for SM. Each time you rejected and Mark couldn't understand why. He had listened to you sing countless times and there was no way (in his mind) that any company could reject your talent.

He finally got you to say yes when he requested you go to one audition as his birthday wish. But you started to freak out the second you did. Ever since you were young, you didn't have much confidence in yourself. The truth about why you never auditioned was that you were very self-conscious about your body. In your eyes, you could never compare to those girl groups with outstanding visuals. No matter how much you loved singing, you didn't think your skills could ever match up. It was better to not try at all rather than to go through a humiliating rejection, was your mindset.

But you didn't want to let Mark down, not when he had put in all this effort to get you to audition in the first place. He even helped you pick out a song and helped you practice it. Despite the countless times that he told you there was nothing to worry about, you thought he just said those things to be nice.

Before you could blink the morning of the audition day arrived, and that's how you found yourself in one of the practice rooms with your boyfriend. The audition was in an hour and you were already panicking.

"I don't know if I can do this," You muttered to yourself, pacing back and forth.

Mark stood up from his seat to approach you, "Hey, yes you can. I've seen you practice so hard for this (Y/n)-ah. You should give yourself more credit."

"That's not it," You shook your head and backed away from him. "I mean do you really think that the judges would let someone like me become an idol?"

Realization dawned on Mark. "Is that what this is about?"

At this point, every part of your body was trembling. You ran your fingers through your hair, practically pulling a few strands out.

"I...I know it's stupid."

"(Y/n)-" He tried to calm you down with words, but it wasn't working.

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