Honestly | Chenle Imagine #2

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Title: Honestly

Genre: Angst

Warnings: mentions of arguing

Word Count: 513

Author's Note: Similar to the Jeno imagine that should've been posted an hour ago, I've been wanting to bring this idea to my story. I feel like we see Chenle always comforting or cheering up the members. And obviously, this isn't a problem and I'm probably overthinking it. But I just wanted to write it out? Thank you for reading ^-^


Generally, Chenle was a pretty optimistic person. He was always laughing and brightening up the mood. You had never seen him be the opposite of those things. His lack of showing any other emotion concerned you.

For a while, your apprehension was concealed. Until one unintentionally deep conversation with Jeno occurred. Earlier on, his focused gaze on you was overwhelming. Considering he was almost like an older brother, you shouldn't have been feeling nervous. However, your relationship, or Chenle himself, was a difficult topic for you to talk about. It was a habit of keeping all your thoughts to yourself.

"We've been dating for a fairly long time now." You fidgeted with the black hair tie in your hands. "But I still feel like I don't know him well?"

You knew this was just as weird as it sounded. Yet, those thoughts continued to linger in the back of your mind. Thankfully, Jeno encouraged you to share them with him.

So you continued, "Sometimes, I just worry that he hides any bad feelings from us. Do you think I'm being stupid?"

"No, I wonder about the same thing," Jeno reassured you. "Maybe you should talk to Chenle?"

Initially, you were averse to Jeno's suggestion. You couldn't possibly confront your boyfriend. What if you were wrong? There was a chance that Chenle was perfectly fine, and you were just being overly sensitive.

However, your troubling thoughts shifted a few weeks later. The guys got caught up in crazy schedules. At a recent dance practice, Mark had to scold the members to stop playing around and focus on the performance.

Chenle told you about the situation when he got home. "Haechan Hyung left the room. And Jisung was really upset, so I tried to cheer him up."

"Are you okay?" You asked.

Chenle hesitated, before shrugging, "Of course, it's no big deal. We have to work harder."

His casual tone bothered you. He didn't appear to be the slightest bit upset. And he was always like that.

The boy was alarmed when he noticed you gripping the sofa pillow. "What's wrong?"

"I don't get it." You cringed at how your voice shook. "I don't get how you're not stressed from all this."

"(Y/n)-ah..." He tried to speak. But you took his hand, stopping him.

"Chenle-ssi, I wish you would just say that you're having a hard time," You said quietly. "You're human. You don't have to smile for everyone all the time."

A short silence fell on the two of you. He hadn't expected the mood to become so serious. Nor did he expect you to be so upset. But he understood what you were saying.

The two of you ended up having a long conversation. For the first time, Chenle would be honest with you. He didn't like talking about how tired he was. Or that he was secretly worried about whether his skills were good enough. But once he did, however, he'd be appreciative that you got him to open up.

The night would end with holding each other closer than ever before.


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