Connection | Jisung Fic #1 (pt.2)

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Title: Connection

Genre: Soulmate AU, Fluff

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1422k

Author's Note: Here is the second part of the Jisung soulmate request. I'm sorry if this isn't as good as it could be. But thank you for reading ^ - ^


"Jisung-ah, what's wrong?" The leader shook the boy lightly on the shoulder.

"Hyung...I think my soulmate is here," He said, still looking at his soulmate. He was afraid that he would lose her in the crowd if he looked away.

Mark gasped, "Wait, seriously? Where?"

Jisung hesitantly gestured in the direction of the girl with soft brown eyes and long, chestnut hair. He was still trying to make sense of it all. Was this real?

Did he really find you?


You still haven't quite fathomed the fact that the main dancer of a famous k-pop group was your soulmate. It was hard to concentrate on the performances and mini-games the guys did. But the more you thought about it, the more it all began to make sense. Dancing, schedules, being up at crazy hours. How had you not put it all together until now?

Before you knew it, the event was nearly over. The last part was letting the VIPs go up to take pictures with the members. Excitedly, Seoyeon dragged you with her to get in line.

But you struggled to be excited with her. Somehow with all the craziness that's happened to you lately, being in this situation was not what you imagined. Jisung had definitely noticed you in the crowd. And now you were mere minutes away from being face to face.

Seoyeon lightly shook your shoulder, "(Y/n)-ah, are you not feeling well today? You look like you're about to have a panic attack."

You shrugged her off and smiled, trying to hide the fact that you were trying not to freak out. "Just nervous, I guess," You said quietly, not wanting to worry your friend.

Stuck in your thoughts, you almost didn't notice when it was your turn to go up. The members greeted you both politely as the staff members ushered you guys around to prepare for the camera. Coincidentally, you were positioned in front of Jisung.

"It's you, isn't it?"

Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest when you heard him speak.

"I—um..." You stuttered, seeming to have forgotten how to form sentences.

The two of you exchanged a short glance before the cameras rolled and the photo was taken just like that. But before you could be led off the stage, Jisung slipped a piece of paper into your hand.

Understanding what he was trying to do, you crumpled the paper in your fist and opened it once you were a good distance away. The note said to meet him after the fan meeting was over. Though your hands were trembling and the apprehension was overwhelming, you told Seoyeon to go first as you were going to wait for the bus.

That was how you found yourself anxiously waiting in the lobby of the venue. After some time passed, you wondered if you were being tricked. But just as you were losing hope, a tall boy wearing a black hoodie showed up.

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