Babysitting | Jeno Imagine #2

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Title: Babysitting

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: none?

Word Count: 1128k

Author's Note: I'm sorry if there are any errors in this. I just wanted to finish it tonight, but I'll most likely edit it tomorrow. Sorry if it's bad lol. Thank you for reading!

*Eonni - older sister in Korean for girls

*Oppa - older brother in Korean for girls

*Ddakji - traditional Korean game played using folded paper tile

° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ

"Eonni!* Can you help me fold this?" The young girl tugged on the sleeve of your sweater.

You nodded, "In a second, Nari-yah. Let me just help Nabi finish hers first. Okay?"

"Okay!" Nari replied. She plopped down on the carpet beside you to wait.

You had to hold back from gushing about how cute the child was. Your neighbor had asked you to watch over her seven and three-year-old daughters this afternoon. Even though it was on a weekend, you truly didn't mind doing a favor. After all, this wasn't your first time babysitting them. Honestly, you had become fond of Nari and Nabi. You were pretty sure that they liked you too.

The girls wanted to play ddakji.* So with Nabi on your lap, you quickly finished folding the papers into a square. Once you were done, you assisted with her older sister's incomplete toy.

"There you go." You handed the pastel blue and purple tile to the girl. "Do you like it?"

Nari beamed, "It's so pretty! Thank you Eonni."

"You're welcome. Now we can play!"

In the next few minutes, the sound of folded paper tiles hitting against each other filled the room. Nari was pretty good at the game. On the other hand, Nabi was a little frustrated. You tried not to laugh as she used her small hands to flip over her sister's card.

Just as you were about to offer to help her, the doorbell rang. Almost immediately, the kid's turned their attention to the door.

"Who is it?" Nabi asked, glancing up at you.

"I'll go see. Nari-yah, can you watch over your sister for a moment?"

As you got up to leave the room, Nari was already showing her strategy for ddakji to Nabi. Heart beating a little faster, you speed-walked to the living room. You opened the front door to see a guy dressed in a black hoodie and jeans. He greeted you with a warm smile. A smile that you loved so much.

"I said you didn't have to come," You mumbled.

The boy leaned down to place a peck on your lips. "But I wanted to see you."

"Besides, the music place I went to get my guitar fixed was nearby." He gestured to the large guitar case on his back.

You then recalled Jeno mentioning that Jisung broke his guitar. How did the maknae manage to do that? You didn't bother to ask.

Since Jeno was here now, you couldn't ask him to leave. Being an eager puppy, he shuffled out of his shoes, ready to help you with the kids.

"I already fed them and Nari finished her homework," You gave him a quick rundown. "They should be going to bed soon."

Jeno nodded his head and followed you down the hall. Once you guys came into the room, the girls forgot about their game.

"Eonni, who is he?" Nabi toddled over to you.

She looked at the man beside you with caution. Her older sister, on the other hand, was more curious.

Nari's dark eyes widened with interest. "Is he Eonni's boyfriend?"

You and Jeno exchanged flustered looks. As you opened your mouth to answer, Jeno kneeled at Nari and Nabi's level.

"Hi, I'm Jeno Oppa. And you're right, I am (Y/n) Eonni's boyfriend," He spoke gently. "She told me how smart Nari is, and that Nabi is very cute. I just had to come to see for myself!"

"Really?" Nari and Nabi asked.

Jeno mouthed "really" and patted Nabi's head. In the next few moments, you found yourself watching your boyfriend in awe. He hadn't even been here for more than a minute, and he already charmed the kids. Not that you were surprised, Lee Jeno was a competent man.

Together, all five of you finished the ddakji game. Everything was going great until bedtime came around. The girls were having so much fun playing with you and Jeno.

"Eonni, I'm not tired!" Nari pouted.

You guided her to bed, while Jeno helped Nabi. "I know, Nari-yah. But it's already eight pm and your mom wouldn't want you and Nabi staying up too late."

"That's right. And you two need to sleep so you can have more energy to play tomorrow," Jeno added.

Nabi started to tear up, "But Jeno Oppa and (Y/n) Eonni won't be here tomorrow!"

Her words tugged at your heart. You thought for a moment, and an idea popped into your head.

"How about this, I'll try to bring Jeno with me the next time your mom asks me to watch you guys," You explained slowly. "But for now, we'll sing you a lullaby to help you sleep."

Nari tilted her head, "A lullaby?"

You made eye contact with Jeno and he nodded. Within the next few minutes, Jeno retrieved his guitar. He strummed along to the tune of "Good Night," by NCT U, while you sang softly. Just as you guys finished the last chorus, Nari and Nabi were fast asleep.

Their mother was beyond grateful when she came home. You were a little worried having Jeno over without her permission would get you in trouble. But she insisted that he come by again sometime.

The two of you started your trek back home, feeling proud of yourselves.

"We'd make good parents, don't you think?" Jeno sort of blurted out.

Confused by this question, you looked at your boyfriend in perplexion. "So suddenly?"

Jeno shrugged. "I just thought—we did so well taking care of Nari and Nabi together. If we had kids of our own..."

When his voice trailed off, you nearly choked on air. Despite dating for three years now, this conversation had never occurred until now.

He noticed the bright shade of pink on your cheeks.

"Not now, of course," Jeno clarified. "I mean later—when we're married and stuff."

A smile slowly started to stretch across your lips. You didn't expect to hear that from Jeno. Hearing him say that, made you realize that he must've been thinking a lot. You were relieved not to be the only one.

Reaching up to kiss his cheek, "In that case, I'd love to have kids with you Jeno-ssi."

The rest of that evening, you and Jeno continued your lighthearted talk about babies and marriage. However, deep down both of you knew that you planned on spending a very happy future together.

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