Let Go | Jisung Fic #2

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Title: Let Go

Genre: Angst

Warnings: mentions of death, car accident

Word Count: 1416k

Author's Note: This was actually a story I wrote for my creative writing class a while back. I changed the characters and decided to give the story to Jisung since I don't write for him as much. I hope you guys like it. Thank you for reading ^ ^


The warmth from the sun took its leave, allowing the cool breeze of the evening to take its place. At the far end of the park, you were waiting for him under the large cherry blossom tree. A part of you secretly hoped he wouldn't show up. Yet your selfish heart yearned to see him again.

Luckily, you didn't have to wait long. Soon enough, you spotted his tall figure approaching her. He was wearing the long, beige trench coat you had bought him the previous year. His white sneakers crunched against the grass as he gripped tightly onto the bouquet.

"I'm not too late, right?" Jisung asked, sounding as if he was speaking to an old friend.

You smiled at him, even though you knew he couldn't see you. A few seconds passed before he sighed.

"Well, don't be too upset. I got your favorite flowers, see?" He held out the fresh bouquet of white lilies. You watched as he crouched down to place them beside the purple hyacinths he had brought a week ago.

You were surprised he still remembered such a small detail about you. Your grandmother used to have a garden of lilies. That might be why you were so fond of them. But you also liked their meaning, "purity of the heart." You wished you could smell them.

"Happy Birthday, Kim (Y/n)," He breathed. "I wish you were here."

Jisung exhaled and reached his hand out to touch the cold slab of stone in front of him. His eyes remained fixated on the engraved text, Kim (Y/n) 2004-2022. Alongside it was the picture of you he had taken when you first started dating. Not once did he ever think it would be used for remembrance.

The day of your death remained vivid in both of their memories. It had been the day of their third anniversary. You had been waiting for him at the crosswalk. You didn't see the car coming when you stepped forward. Everything that happened next was a blur. The beeping of car horns. The blood seeping out of your head. The sounds of ambulance sirens that followed.

You remembered him in the ambulance with you, desperately clutching your hand and pleading for you to stay with him. But by the time they had gotten to the hospital, it had been too late. You were gone.

But you...weren't. You were there to witness him crumple to the floor in heartbroken sobs. Just as you were now, standing behind your gravestone. Watching helplessly as he mourned her on what would be your nineteenth birthday.

"How long are you going to remain here and watch him?" A serene voice from behind spoke. Even without turning around, you could sense her presence—a captivating aura of mystery and sophistication. Clad in an ensemble of head-to-toe black, the older woman exuded an air of darkness.

You sucked in her breath, before answering, "Until he's ready. He's still grieving."

A short silence followed your claim, and the grim reaper took a step forward.

"You mean when you're ready?"

Your fingers curled into her palms, forming into fists. But the grim reaper disappeared before you could turn around to defend yourself. Releasing a shaky exhale, you glanced back at Jisung, who was still kneeling on the ground with tears glossing over his eyes.

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