Adoration | Mark Imagine #7

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Title: Adoration

Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff

Warnings: none really :)

Word Count: 612

Author's Note: Lol this idea came to me after seeing a clip of Mark on a video call fansign, where he was telling the fan that he's currently watching Queen of Tears. This made me so happy because I've also been watching the drama and feel so passionately about it. Anyway my mind started to wander and this little scenario came out of it. I tried my best not to include spoilers of the show in the story though. Thank you for reading and hope you like it ^ ^


Frustration brewed in your eyes, as heat rose to your cheeks, while your heart was pounding. Your fingers curled further into your palms, as unkind words traveled to the tip of your tongue. Yet, before they could vocalize them, the dark-haired man on your left voiced them instead.

"No, but why did he do that though?!" Mark yelled, throwing his arm out in a gesture to the screen.

A part of you wanted to laugh at your boyfriend's reaction to the final scene playing out on the television before you. Since the premiere of Queen of Tears, you and Mark have been avidly following the series together. However, you were a few episodes behind due to Mark's busy schedule and your commitment to watch it together. It took considerable restraint to avoid looking at spoilers on Instagram or YouTube.

On the other hand, the equal measure of anger within you overpowered any sense of amusement. A louder-than-intended sigh slipped past your lips.

"Ugh, I hate Yoon Eunsung so much for trying to ruin Haein's family," you fumed, gripping the remote. "I swear, I just knew he was going to use that tactic to sabotage them!"

Mark leaned back on the couch, echoing your dissatisfaction. "I know right? You were so on point though with predicting that it was gonna happen."

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I'm happy that I was right!" you exclaimed, sounding as if you were almost about to cry from annoyance.

Any hint of exasperation Mark was feeling simmered down, as you continued to vent about the episode. Now that he observed you passionately recounted how every prediction you made about the characters' actions had occurred in the episode. Your hair was slightly tousled, and your hands gestured animatedly, emphasizing your frustrations. This was a rare sight from someone who was usually so composed and reserved.

Your shoulders slumped when you caught the distraction in his eyes, prompting a look of confusion from you. "Mark, are you even listening to what I'm saying?"

"No, I am babe," he reassured with a chuckle. "I've just never seen you this fired up before."

Your expression softened, and the flush on your cheeks transitioned to one of embarrassment. His comment brought to mind your tendency to get overly passionate about certain things that provoked you.

"Sorry, I just got so worked up," you mumbled, sheepishly brushing a loose lock of hair out of your face.

However, Mark was quick to pull you into his arms. "Don't apologize, I think it's endearing."

His embrace was so warm and loving, it felt like he was wrapping you in all the adoration he had for you. Yet, it made you just want to hide your face in his hoodie because you were still flustered.

"Well I'm grateful you're more reassuring than Baek Hyunwoo is," you said, resting your chin on his shoulder. "Seriously, I've never seen so much miscommunication in a relationship before."

You felt your boyfriend smile, pulling back slightly to stroke your hair. "And I'm glad you're not as closed off like Hong Haein."

"Hey, she has every right to be—" you started to protest, before catching yourself.

Mark nearly convulsed with laughter as he hugged you again. "Ah, cute!"

Feeling embarrassed once more, you lightly smacked his shoulder, though it did nothing to stop the boy from gushing over you. But you couldn't help but smile too, finding warmth in the moment. Both of you knew that the upcoming episodes of this drama would only bring more stress. However, at least you could share your frustrations openly, while all Mark could think about was how infatuated he was with you.


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