By My Side | Haechan Imagine #7

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Title: By My Side

Genre: Angst

Warnings: reader has a poor self-image and has a little breakdown

Word Count: 486

Author's Note: This little story is something I felt like I needed in the moment. I also realized it's been a while since I wrote something for Haechan, so here you go. As loud and chaotic as he can be, I feel like he'd be great at comforting his loved ones. Hope you guys like it and thank you for reading ^ ^


A heavy sigh escaped as you lay in bed, staring hopelessly at the ceiling. Sleep had eluded you for days, and the weight of those restless nights slowly began to take a toll on you. Despite your efforts to shift positions and keep your eyes shut tight, sleep did not come. Your mind remained stubbornly active, unwilling to dial down on the overwhelming thoughts that only visited at night.

As you were starting to accept that you wouldn't be sleeping tonight (again), the phone on your nightstand lit up. You looked to see you had received a text from your boyfriend, asking if you were still awake. When you replied with a yes, Haechan wasted no time saying he was coming over.

Minutes later, you heard the sounds of your door being unlocked and the padding of his steps down the hallway. Once he entered the room, he silently crawled into bed beside you and pulled you into his arms, without a word.

"Hyuck, you didn't have to come," you frowned.

In response, he nuzzled his nose against your neck. "You know you sleep better with me," he murmured.

That was true. You always slept better when he was around. Something about his arms wrapped around your waist was more comforting than words could express. Even on your darkest days, Haechan never failed to make you feel loved.

Usually, you were able to hold your emotions together. But for some reason, you couldn't tonight. As he held you close, tears welled up in your eyes and cascaded down your cheeks before you could stop them. Haechan felt the first tear fall onto the back of his hand.

"Baby," he cooed gently in concern. Turning you around to face him, he cupped the left side of your face. "Talk to me, (Y/n)."

"I just...I want to stop hating myself," you cried, burying your face into his chest.

But you meant it. You wanted to stop hating yourself. You wanted to stop blaming yourself for things that were out of your control. You wanted to stop thinking about all the things you could've done differently in the past. You wanted to stop pushing away the people you loved, just because you hated being vulnerable.

Haechan's heart ached when you uttered those words. He knew your struggle better than anyone. The casual self-deprecation and persistent self-doubt he constantly witnessed always made him feel so sad.

He found himself at a loss of words to console you. All he could do was tighten his embrace, and gently rub your back as you sobbed into his shirt. He understood that at this moment, you simply needed to release the emotions you've been bottling up.

Being by your side felt like exactly where he needed to be.


𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗖𝗛 𝗠𝗢𝗗𝗘 | 𝗡𝗖𝗧 𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠Where stories live. Discover now