Surprise Dates | Dream Reaction #3 (hyung-line)

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Reaction: When they do a surprise date for their gf (hyung-line, requested)

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: Mentions of food

Word Count: 1105k

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Due to him always being tired from work, you guys often stayed in and had at-home dates. Which you never minded, but it still made Mark feel bad. Wanting to do more for you, Mark made some free time in his schedule.

The weather was nice and Mark brought you to Han River. He had even brought a blanket so you could find a nice spot to sit and enjoy the view. The rapper also had food delivered to you guys. He would've cooked, but he thought it was better not to try and fail this time.

"You really planned this all out, didn't you?" You took a sip of the soda in your hands.

Mark would smile shyly, "Do you like it?"

In response, you'd lean over to hug him, which caused him to laugh. You hoped that he could feel how appreciative you were. He went out of his way to set this date up to surprise you. You loved how considerate Mark was.

"I love it, Mark. Thank you."


He had been wanting to go on a hike with you. Without much warning, Renjun was at your door in the morning. He had everything prepared for the both of you in his bag, water bottles, camera, sunscreen, etc. You were a bit hesitant when Renjun explained his plans to you. But he talked about how it would be good for both of you to get some exercise and spend quality time together. So how could you say no?

"Are—we almost at the top?" You asked, trying not to huff. You adjusted the visor you were wearing to be protected from the sun.

Renjun who wasn't too far ahead from you smiled. "We are. You're doing great, Sweetheart!"

He stopped walking and gestured for you to take his hand, which you accepted. Thanks to his encouragement and support, you and Renjun climbed up the rest of the mountain together. It took a while for the both of you. But it didn't seem like that because you had been talking and spotting things you saw along the way.

When you got to the top, you and Renjun high-fived each other in accomplishment. To make things even better, the view was great.

"Wow, this is amazing," You breathed in, taking in the scenery.

Renjun placed his arm around your shoulder, "Thank you for doing this with me."

"I wouldn't mind doing it again." You leaned in. "I think you made me realize by doing this, we can get anything done together."

"Look at you, learning from me," Renjun chuckled, as he pressed a kiss against your temple.

He later pulled out his camera, saying that the guys wanted him to take photos. But you knew that he was just using that as an excuse. Renjun found it important to capture memories like these, for the both of you to look back on fondly.



Jeno had noticed you've been kinda down lately. So he had been wanting to do something to cheer you up. That was how you returned home to see all the lights turned off in your apartment and a meticulously decorated candlelit dinner.

"What is all this?" Your jaw dropped as you saw Jeno standing in front of the table, holding a single rose. He must've come into your apartment when you were at class.

Jeno's eye smile appeared to see your surprised expression and handed you the flower. "We should eat before the food gets cold, Love."

Still shocked by all of this as the two of you went to sit down. You looked at Jeno in agape.

"When did you find the time to do all this?"

"I know you've been stressed lately." Jeno took your hands in his. "So I wanted to do something to make you feel better."

You felt tears prick in your eyes. "You did all of this for me?"

"Well, Jaemin-i helped me with the cooking," Jeno admitted, wrapping his arms around your waist. "And Renjun might have given me tips on how to decorate."

The two of you exchanged laughter and a sweet kiss. And there was much more to follow that. It was a wonderful evening, that made you realize once again how much you loved the man before you.



He knew how much you liked his group since before you two started dating. But Donghyuck didn't realize how much of a fan you were until he bought you VIP tickets to one of the Dream concerts. He thought it would be a nice surprise and his members had been begging to meet the girl he's been bragging to them about.

It was fun for him, in the beginning, to spot you in the crowd waving your lightstick like everyone else there. As much as he loved his fans, performing knowing that you were there felt different to Haechan. He was slightly nervous because he wanted to show his best, but you also gave him this extra boost of strength.

But when the singer brought you backstage to meet the Dreamies, things didn't go the way he thought they would (at least under Haechan's standards). Although you were extremely nervous about meeting your favorite boy band, the boys did their best to help you relax and make you feel comfortable around them. They were so kind and liked you a lot.

"I bet Haechan is your bias, right?" Chenle asked you. Haechan wore a proud smile.

Until you blushed and shook your head. "Actually, my bias is Renjun."

The guys abrupted in laughter, leaving Haechan in disbelief. Renjun was also a bit surprised to hear this. Pointing to himself, "Me?"

You shyly nodded and looked down, "I really like your singing."

"Aw, I'm so glad you appreciate me," Renjun smiled back at Haechan. "Thank you, (Y/n)-ah."

Naturally, Haechan was in jealous mode after. You bet he would be super sulky. He'd have his arms crossed and turned away.

"Huh, why don't you go date Renjun instead of me then?"

Rolling your eyes, you interlocked arms with the boy. "Why would I, when I have someone like you who is caring, sweet, and good at everything?"

"Handsome, you forgot about that," Haechan murmured. You sighed and exchanged looks with his members. "And handsome too."

Mark who was next to you laughed, "It's good that (Y/n) can handle our Haechan-ah."

Haechan didn't care anymore about what the others said and was back to snuggling up to you within the next few seconds. He sure could be a lot of work sometimes, but you knew he really did care about you.


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