Affection | Jaemin Imagine #6

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Title: Affection

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: lots of kissing -- i'm sorry lol

Word Count: 1079k

Author's Note: Honestly, I felt like this little story was just another excuse for me to feed on my guilty pleasure of writing kiss scenes. And when it's Na Jaemin, my mind can't help but drift off sometimes. Please ignore me lol. Thank you for reading ^ ^


The cool autumn sunshine filtered through the branches of the ginkgo tree, casting dappled patterns of light on the ground beneath your feet. The rustling sound of sneakers treading against the fallen yellow leaves diverted your attention from the large tree above you. Your gaze shifted to the boy with faded pink hair who approached you.

"(Y/n)!" His smile radiated an undeniable charm when he called your name.

With arms outstretched, he beckoned for you to come closer. A small smile tugged on the corner of your mouth before you closed the distance between you, eagerly embracing his comforting presence.

"Jaemin, I thought I lost you," you whispered into his mint green sweatshirt.

He lifted your chin upward, guiding your gaze to meet his. His eyes shimmered with abundant affection and tenderness you've never seen in a man.

"I'll never let that happen," he breathed.

A slight flutter of nerves danced in your stomach as you swallowed, anticipating what was about to come next. Before you could prepare yourself, his hand cupped the side of your face to capture your lips in a gentle kiss. Your eyelids fluttered closed, savoring his delicate touch as you gradually kissed him back. Just as your anxious thoughts started to leave, the serenity of your momentary intimacy was disrupted.

"Cut!" A voice echoed through the air, causing you and Jaemin to pull away from one another.

You turned toward Soojin, who had made the call, looking at her in slight surprise. Soojin sighed, making her way toward the two of you with a displeased expression. She paused for a moment before speaking up.

"Okay, guys, that was good. But we need to make the kiss scene more convincing," she said. "Your characters are supposed to be overwhelmed with emotions because they were almost separated!"

"Was...our kiss not good enough?" you asked, feeling confused.

You couldn't quite grasp what was wrong with the kiss scene, although you were a little nervous about kissing your boyfriend in front of a crew of people.

"We need you to put more passion into it," Soojin insisted. "Let's reshoot that part. And this time, use some tongue!"

Her instructions left you feeling flustered, tinting your cheeks with a rosy hue. You looked at your friend in bewilderment. When your friend asked you and Jaemin to be part of her short film for a class project, you certainly didn't expect to be in this particular situation.

"What—" you began to protest. But Soojin and her classmates were already gearing up for another take. You cast a nervous glance back at Jaemin, finding solace in the softness of his gaze as he met your eyes.

"Hey, you don't have to do this if you're not comfortable, (Y/n)," he spoke softly, his hand gently rubbing your arm in a comforting gesture.

You hesitated briefly, feeling a swirl of conflicting emotions, before finally releasing a heavy exhale.

"No, I agreed to help Soojin and I will," you said, shaking your head. "Let's just do it."

Jaemin nodded and leaned in closer with a playful smile. "Then let's show them the kiss they want."

"Alright everyone, we're shooting in three...two...," Soojin began to count down. "One, and action!"

As the cameras rolled once more, Jaemin locked eyes with you. He held your gaze for a few precious seconds before his hand found its place on the nape of your neck. Butterflies erupted in your stomach, causing your eyes to tightly shut in anticipation as he leaned in to reconnect your lips. But this time there was an electrifying intensity you hadn't experienced before.

Your grip on the fabric of his sweatshirt instinctively tightened as Jaemin deepened the kiss. His lips moved passionately against yours, each movement infused with a mix of lust and longing. A surprised gasp threatened to escape when you felt his tongue subtly caress yours, igniting a whirlwind of sensations that sent shivers down your spine.

By the time Soojin cut the scene again, a sense of dizziness washed over you as you broke away from Jaemin's lips. You both gasped for breath, your chests rising and falling in unison.

"Yes, that was perfect!" Soojin clapped excitedly, leaving you to feel flustered at her enthusiasm.

You and Jaemin wore shy smiles as the others cheered the two of you on. Although there didn't seem to be any repercussions from the passionate kiss you just exchanged, a lingering sense of embarrassment tinged your cheeks.

Later, when you and Jaemin were walking back to the dorms with an awkward silence trailing behind. The weight of your first heated kiss remained in the air. Words grappled you both with the question of what to say after such an intense moment.

"You know, the kiss we did for Soojin's video was nice," Jaemin spoke first. "But I still prefer the way we kiss."

His confession immediately caused you to let out a sigh of relief. "I thought I was the only one who felt that way!"

"Whenever we kiss, they're sweet and full of tenderness," you continued. "You always make me feel safe and loved."

You stole a glance at your feet, feeling a flush of warmth rise to your cheeks at your own candid words. It was not often that you expressed your feelings so openly. However, the warm smile Jaemin gave you was enough to melt away any doubts you had.

"You took the words out of my mouth, Jagiya," he said, gently caressing the back of your hand with his thumb.

The two of you drew closer to the dormitories, Jaemin paused in his steps and turned to face you properly. He wasted no time in closing the distance between you and met your lips in a soft, unhurried kiss. You smiled when you felt his hand gently press against your waist. Your bodies aligned perfectly, as your lips moved in harmony.

The two of you remained in each other's arms, cherishing the moment. For this was the kiss that spoke volumes and whispered secrets of your shared love. Your bodies naturally gravitated to each other, finding comfort in the closeness you had cultivated over time.

In that embrace, you both realized that the most important thing about a kiss was the love and connection it represented, rather than any external expectations. You and Jaemin knew that your kisses would always hold a special place in your hearts, capturing the essence of your love for each other.


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