Jealousy | Dream Reaction #9

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Reaction: When they get jealous of their gf being close with another member

Genre: Fluff, comedy, a little angst if you squint

Warnings: quite a few repeated words lol

Word Count: 3829k

Author's Note: Gosh, it feels nice to post something for NCT Dream as a whole after a while. Initially, I wasn't crazy about the idea of writing a scenario where the members get jealous. But it was fun to write, I tried to make them realistic to the member's personalities. Hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you for reading ^ - ^

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The longer he went without seeing you, the restlessness within him grew. His schedule had been all over the place, leaving him with scarcely any breaks in between. Despite his love for his career and his unwavering dedication to giving his all, he couldn't help but wish that it didn't take such a toll on your relationship. Even if you never complained about the months of being apart, only communicating through text messages, and maybe a phone call if he was lucky, Mark still carried a sense of guilt for not being able to give you the time you truly deserved.

So when you dropped by his group's photoshoot (after he indirectly implied that you come to visit him), he was beyond excited. Unfortunately, you came when it was his turn to take photos. Luckily, Chenle who was supposed to go after him, greeted you warmly.

"Oh, (Y/n)! What brings you here?" he exclaimed. The corner of your lips upturned into a smile when you caught the way the boy's eyes lit up with excitement upon seeing a visitor on the set.

"It's been quite some time since Mark and I last saw each other," you explained. "He actually called me this morning, and I thought it wouldn't hurt to come by for an hour or so."

A teasing glint flashed across the boy's eyes as he playfully nudged you. "Aw, you guys are so in love. Mark hyung hasn't stopped complaining to us about how much he's been missing you."

Chenle's remark caused a faint shade of pink to tint your cheeks.

"Hm, I'm sure you're just exaggerating," You replied with a nudge back.

Mark frowned when he noticed Chenle talking to you. He was too far away to hear the conversation. But his stomach churned in unease when he observed you laughing at something the boy said.

"Mark-ssi, please stay focused," the camera director called out, effectively snapping him out of his momentary daze.

A sheepish smile spread across his face, displaying his embarrassment for getting distracted. He quickly redirected his attention back to the camera. Every so often he would steal glances at you and Chenle, resulting in having to redo some of the photos. Frustration began to build within Mark as impatience washed over him.

It felt like an eternity before he finally finished, and as soon as he was done, he walked across the room. You were caught by surprise when the boy engulfed you in a much-needed hug.

"Hello to you too?" you laughed, gently patting his back. Chenle and you exchanged amused glances before he excused himself to prepare for his photoshoot.

Mark pulled away slightly, allowing himself to get a better look at you. His eyes carefully scanned for any discernible changes within the past few months.

"I missed you so much," He murmured, tenderly caressing your hand.

Your heart fluttered with affection as your hand moved to cup the side of his face. "I know. Chenle was telling me," you whispered.

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