Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Addison knew that Max had been having... issues sleeping, Max never said anything but she knew her girlfriend inside and out. She knew something was wrong, especially when she had distanced herself so quickly from Lucas, Dustin, and Mike. Never herself though, Max couldn't fathom the thought of losing Addison.

To Max, Addison was the only thing she was sure of in her fucked up life. She felt like a ray of sunshine breaking through the stormiest days. Max wondered if that was healthy for her, having one good thing. Probably not-scratch that-definitely not.

Selfishly, Max didn't care... about herself, at least. At this point, Max only cared about what happened to Addison. Nothing else mattered. Not her grades, her health, not where she stayed. Nothing mattered more to her, or anything remotely close to Addison.

Honestly, it made Max feel fucking insane.

Insane.. guilty, too. Addison deserved better. Max knew that... she always has. Max wanted to be the better Addison deserved, but fuck. She wasn't strong enough.

She wasn't strong enough to leave Addison either, she loved Addison. She needed her. Addison was her rock. The only thing that kept her going, that got her out of bed in the morning was Addison.

This morning, was just like every other morning. Every. other. morning. Everyday was the fucking same.
Get out of bed.
Eat breakfast.
Brush teeth.
Get dressed.
Brush hair.
Put shoes on.
Grab walkman.
Wait for bus.
Go to school.
Get through the day.
Go home.
Eat dinner.
Attempt (and give up) on homework.
Go to sleep.

The only light in her day was seeing Addison at lunch. Holding her hand under the table, kissing her goodbye in the bathrooms near Addison's fifth period classroom.

Addison watched, a grin on her face as Max stepped off the bus. She watched as she got stopped by the school's counselor, wondering what she could have been saying.

"Hi, baby." Addison smiled at Max, the warm breeze blowing the stray red hairs from Max's eyes. "You look beautiful this morning."

Max scoffed, rolling her eyes, yet she was unable to keep the smile from her face. "C'mon, weirdo. You say that everyday."

"We-well.. Yeah! Yeah, duh. And I mean it every morning." Addison laughed, spinning on her heels to walk to the gym with Max. "Are you excited for the pep rally? You know, Lucas is playing tonight! Well- I mean- he'll be there tonight.. maybe not playing because.. you know.. he's been on the bench. But ma, hey! He's a real good bench warmer. Shit, did that sound bitchy? Hopefully no one heard that."

"Relax, no one heard it. I am so not excited for the pep rally."

"Really?" Addison held the door open for Max, "I think it's cool! That' there's so much spirit for something. You have to be supportive, for Lucas, at least!''

Max winced at his name. She hasn't been a very good friend recently.. Hell, she hasn't even responded to El's letters. Though she knew that Addison had been updating El (and Will, Joyce, and Jonathan, all of which she wrote weekly letters to)

"Look, I'm not saying my girlfriend is better than yours, but.. it's just that Suzie's a certified genius!" Dustin shouted over the noise of the crowd.

𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘱 ~ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now