Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:
My Fault


"We're too late." Mike spoke, as the alarm began blaring through the halls. Addison forced her eyes closed, clamping her hands over her ears in an attempt to block out the sound.

Addison stumbled behind Mike as he grabbed her by her elbow and roughly pulled her along with him towards Joyce.

"What's going on?" To Addison, Joyce's voice came through muffled through her covered ears.

"We're under attack." 

"What? Mike, what does that mean?" Panic flashed in Joyce's eyes as her voice raised an octave.

Ignoring her question, he picked up a needle from the table and read the label. "We need to make Will sleep."

"Why?" Addison asked, peeking through one eye.

"He's a spy!" Mike said as if it were obvious, "If he knows where we are, so does the shadow monster."

"He's lying!" Will shouted, his face turning red as tears began to pool in his eyes. "He's lying! Addison, he's lying!"

"He killed those soldiers! He'll kill us, too."

"Stop it.." Addison begged, her fingers diggging into her hair. "Stop it!"

"He's lying! He's lying! He's lying!" Addison squeezed her eyes shut, letting out quiet whimpers as gun shots rang out through the hallway.

"Those are gunshots!" Bob shouted over Will.

"Okat, Will! Will, listen. Listen, do you know who I am?" Joyce held him by his shoulders as she asked. "Do you know who I am?"

"You're.." Will trailed off, searching the woman's face for recognition. "You're-You're mom!"

"Hold him down." Joyce stood up, taking the needle from Mike's hand.

"No, no! Let go! Let go! No. Let me go! Addison! Addison, please help me. Please don't let them hurt me." Will turned his attention onto her, "Please! Addie, you promised! You're a liar! You're a liar! You promised me!"

Addison turned her back towards him, sinking to her knees as she tried to focus on one sound.

It was all becoming too much for her. She shouldn't have come here. It was a mistake.

Mike stared straight ahead, unable to take his eyes off of the scene.  The door slammed open, startling Addison. She stumbled back onto her butt, trying to control her breathing.

"We gotta go. We gotta go." Hopper spoke, staring at the door at the end of the hallway. "Now!"

Mike wrapped his hand around her shoulder, pulling her to her feet and roughly forcing her to move with him. Addison nearly tripped over her own feet as the blaring sirens flooded her senses.

"Just focus on me, Addie." He spoke quietly, just loud enough for her to hear. "Don't have a seizure!"

Machine gun fire caused her to freeze as Mike's eyes found hers, assessing her reaction to the sudden sounds.

𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘱 ~ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now