Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:
Double Decker Strawberry Pancakes

Addison shut the door behind her, locking it before walking down the steps. A glimpse of bright red hair caught jer attention. "Uh, Max?"

"Oh, hey, weirdo!" Max greeted with a wave, walking up the sidewalk to stand in front of the shorter girl. "Dustin told me how to get to your house, so, I thought I'd check up on you.. Make sure you're okay and all that."

Addison blushed, "O-Oh, um, I'm-I'm fine, thanks. Why?"

Max grinned, "I can see that. You know, I actually came by last night."

Oh, shit.

"You-You did?" Addison cringed, "Ugh."

"Yup. I did. And I saw you and Mike." Max wiggled her eyebrows, "He kissed you. Is he your boyfriend?"

Addison's face fell, "You, oh, um, you, uh, you saw that?"

Max furrowed her eyebrows, "Uh, yeah? I did? You okay?"

"No! I mean, yes, I'm okay! But, uh, Mike? He isn't.. he isn't my.. boyfriend.." Addison explained, avoiding the redheaded beauty's gaze. "I don't like him. Not like that!"

"He isn't?" Max questioned, "Does he know that? The way he got so worked up about me scaring you."

"O-Oh, well, he just cares about me.. I guess.." Addison shrugged, rubbing her arm nervously. "We're just friends. And that's what we'll always be."

Max's blue eyes studied her face in silence. She pulled her lower lip into her mouth, her eyes lighting up with mischief as she bit back a smile. "So you're single then?"

Addison choked on her spit, "W-Wh-What was that?"

"You're single, then?" Max repeated, waving her hand around. "Unless you're with.. What's his name? Will!"

"I-I mean, ye-yeah, yes, I-I um, I am.. Single, that is. So.." Addison confirmed, her face deepening in its red shade. "Uh, wh-why?"

"Oh, no reason.. Just wondering." Max winked at her, clicking her tongue. "Curiosity, you know. Gets the best of me sometimes."

Addison felt her heart skip a beat as she struggled to form a coherent sentence. "I-I, uh, ye-yeah.. Well uh-"

Max laughed, "Well, I'll see you Monday, weirdo. Sit with me at lunch again?"

"Yes! I mean, s-sure.. that sounds, uh, that sounds... cool.." Addison raised her hand, pointing at Max with finger guns. "See you.. then.."

Addison gulped, quickly spinning around and speed walking towards Mike's house.

She muttered scolds to herself once she thought she was out of ear shot of Max. "Stupid! Stupid.. stupid stupid. Stupid! Dumb.. dumb. Dumb! Just had to stutter like an idiot? Ugh, stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Max, who wasn't out of earshot, laughed to herself as she turned on her skateboard and skated away.


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