Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One
Pretty Please

Max hummed softly to the music, fingers gently dragging up and down Addison's arm. Her eyes fluttered shut, mind drifting back to the off-putting events of earlier. The look on Eddie's face, and just how terrified the boy looked flashed through her mind.

Addison's head rested on Max's chest, their legs interlocked as Addison focused on Max's heartbeat, paying close attention to the rhythm incase it were to change.

"How do you think Mike is doing?" Addison's voice was soft as she looked up at her girlfriend. "I-I mean in California? Do you think he remembered to give them the letters? I told you about that right? I wrote Joyce, Jonathan, Will, and El all little letters. With pictures and stickers and pressed flowers for Will and El? I hope he did. I know that he doesn't write any to Will.. And to El he always writes from. Instead of Love. I know it hurts her. If you'd moved back to California I would always write love. I do that with them, too.. But-But I don't love them! Wait, no. No. I do love them, but- but- You know, Not like.. Not like I love you? You know? No, I- I'm sure you get it. I'm just gonna stop.. talking.. now.. Yeah."

Max smiled warmly pressing a kiss to her forehead. Addison's cheeks warmed, curling herself tighter into Max's side. "I get it."

"I'm sure he did though," Max's voice was distant, barely focused on the words Addison had spoken. She'd tried to, but she can't get the image of Eddie driving off in a panic out of her head. "I'd write love for you too."

"Do you think he remembered the sunscreen?" Addison continued, "He sunburns easily. He's pasty."

"Babe, we're all pasty." Max chuckled, Addison's smile brightening at the sound. "You burn easily, too."

"We-well. Yeah. I mean, we are, yeah, but not Lucas! And I use sunscreen." Addison added quickly, poking her on the chest. "You know, so should you. "

"Obviously not Lucas." Max shook her head, a chuckle escaping. After a moment of silence, she continued. "I bet he looks like a lobster right now."

A sound like a mix between a cackle and a scream left Addison's lips. "Oh my god! He's gonna be complaining for weeks when he gets back! oh, where's the Aloe? Ow! Don't touch me! It hurts so bad!"

Laughter flooded the room, bouncing off the walls and echoing down the hallway. Max's mom stirred awake, a warm (yet distant) smile formed on the woman's face, noting that it was a welcome change from the usual silence. She'd decided that Addison was a good friend, and an even better influence, for Max. Especially now.


The morning birds chirping woke Addison up. With a yawn, she carefully tossed the covers off of her body.

Being careful not to wake Max, she tiptoed out of the bedroom and down the hall to the bathroom. She flipped the light on, carefully opening the cabinet to pick out her toothbrush (she had never been more excited then when Max bought her one to keep there at her house) and the toothpaste. She flipped on the water, glancing at door to make sure she hadn't disturbed Max.

Addison's eyes became unfocused as she watched herself in the mirror, mind drifting to Eddie and how afraid he looked.

Addison, even with everything she'd seen in the past three years, had never seen anything quite like that. It shook Addison to her core, so deeply that she felt that she could feel the fear that Eddie felt.

Whatever he had seen... Addison had just hoped it wasn't anything like what they've dealt with before. That they could finally be free of being tired. That's what they were, all of them. Tired. After fighting for three years, it was more than any of them could handle, and Addison wasn't sure how much more she could handle. She hoped that he'd just taken the wrong combination of whatever it is he sells.

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