Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen:
"All Mine. All Mine. All Mine."

Addison giggled as Max spun her around El's room. Her hands rested on Addison's waist as she swung her around the room. Addison had her arms resting on Max's shoulders as she swung her from side to side.

She had to admit, when Max and Eleven showed up at her door, El in an entire new wardrobe, Addison was more than surprised. When they told her that Eleven had dumped Mike, Addison almost dropped dead right then and there.

When they told her it was because he lied to her, Addison wasn't surprised. Mike lying to Eleven wasn't a surprise to her anymore. He used to do it to Addison constantly before Eleven even showed up.

Max spun Addison around, causing her dress to flare out around her. "You're really pretty."

Addison blushed, leaning her head onto Max's shoulder. "Stop! You're gonna make me blush.."

"That's my job, babe." Max whisperered so that El wouldn't be able to hear them. She didn't know that the girls were a couple yet. They really wanted to tell her, but neither of them were sure how. "And I'm working full time."

Addison giggled, feeling her heart speed up when Max let go to use El's hairbrush as a microphone. "You're such a dork."

"But I'm your dork." Max winked, biting her lip as she swayed her hips to the beat. "All yours."

Addison laughed, covering her face with her hands as she could feel her face begin to heat up. "My.. dork.. All mine.. All mine.. All.. All mine."

Addison couldn't help but erupt into a fit of giggles as she fell back onto El's bed. Her hands still covered her face as she kicked her feet in the air.

Mine. The thought of Max being hers sent Addison into a state of pure bliss. She was ecstatic whenever Max reminded her that she loved her. Just the thought of Max could send Addison's heart into a frenzy. With Max she didn't feel like she had to be someone else or pretend to like things she didn't. With Max she didn't have to hide herself.

Max gazed at her in adoration, her lips parted as she swallowed thickly. She reached up and brushed red hair from her eyes. Max inhaled sharply when Addison pulled her hands away from her face and their eyes locked.

El looked up at Addison, giving her a strange look as she flipped through the magazine. Her eyes widened as she stopped on a page. Addison moved to sit up and she leaned forward to look at the page. "Oh.."

Eleven looked up at Max as she sat down on the bed beside Addison. "Oh! You found Ralph Macchio!"

"Macchio?" Eleven rose her eyebrows.

Addison nodded, pursing her lips as she looked at the magazine. "Yup!"

"Yeah, he's the karat kid! Hi-ya!" Max made a karate chopping motion with her hand causing Eleven to let out a nervous laugh. "He's so hot, right?"

Addison nodded in agreement, "So hot.."

"I bet he's an amazing kisser, too." Max continued, winking at Addison

Addison gasped, "Max!"

"What? It's true!" Max defended, raising her hands in surrender. "Hey, um.. Is Mike a good kisser?"

Addison laughed, covering her face with her hands as she watched Eleven's expression change. "Max, oh my gosh!"

"I don't know!" She said, shaking her head, "He's my first boyfriend.

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