Chapter Thirty-Three

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chapter thirty-three
2121 holland road

"Hi, Gareth! Yeah, it's Addison." Addison grinned as Gareth greeted her happily, asking her about her day. "Oh, it's been.. uh, good! It's been super duper good. What do you mean I sound off? I don't! But- uh- for no.. particular reason.. Have you heard from Eddie? Or seen him?"

Addison sighed, shaking her head at Dustin who crossed his name off of the whiteboard.  She glanced at Max who had a sparkle in her eyes. Addison's lips curled into a smile, knowing that this meant she had hit a lead. 

Her eyes drifted to Steve, a disappointed frown etched on his face as he muttered to himself, shutting the store's door behind the girl. Addison frowned, it hurt her heart to see him try again and again, only to be disappointed or hurt every time.

"Hey, Steve." Addison walked forward towards the counter, Steve turned his attention way from the girl, who had just left with a movie for her and her boyfriend, "It's totally her loss! You're like- you're wow, you know? Super awesome. Yeah.. uh-"

"Thanks, Addie. You're right." He smiled tightly, though his voice had an edge to it. "I just wish girls would think like that."

"I'm a girl." Addison furrowed her eyebrows, "Oh! No, shit! No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know what you mean. My bad. I really need to think sometimes! You know, I- I got into a situation with a boy in my math class. Yeah, he thought I was trying to flirt with him but I just needed the homework answers. Which I got! By the way, I got the answers. Geometry is harder than I thought.. I gave Max the answers too.... I made Mike and Lucas give me a king sized Hershey bar.. each. Dustin is too smart, he doesn't need them."

Steve blinked, pursing his lips and nodding slowly. "Math was never my best sub-"

"Guys." Max's voice interrupted them, "I think I have a lead!"

Addison turned quickly, eyes lighting up. "Really?"

"Seriously?" Dustin and Robin followed suit, turning to face the redhead.

"Yeah." Max nodded. "Apparently Eddie gets his drugs from some guy named Reefer Rick, and sometimes he crashes at his place."

"Sounds promising." Robin's lips quirked up as she leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "Where does this Reefer Rick live?"

Max cringed, quickly looking down at her feet. "That's the thing. No one knows, he's more of an urban legend than someone people actually know."

"Yikes." Addison shook her head. "Nothin' else?"

"Nope." Max sighed, crossing he arms.

"What about a last name?"

"Don't know that one." Max huffed, moving to her original spot next to Addison.

"Bet the cops know his name." Steve said, sorting through the movies on the counter.

Addison twisted her body to look at him, "What?"

"Cops?" Steve repeated, pausing his actions to lean on the counter. "You know... Weewooweewoo. I mean if this guy, Reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer. I guarantee you he's been arrested before.. means he's in the system."

"The cops, Steve?" Dustin repeated in disbelief. "That's your genius?"

"I mean.." Steve trailed off, nodding his head from side to side in thought. "Yeah-"

"No." Addison shook her head, "No cops."

"I think they should be filled in. You know, on what's going on here."

"You think Eddie's guilty, don't you?"

"Woah, Woah, Woah!" Steve raised his hands in surrender, waving them around for emphasis as he continued. "I believe in all that innocent until proven guilty constitutional shit. I just think, I don't know, we can't rule it out?"

By the end of his sentence, Steve's tone had turned into that of questioning. "Right?"

"That's precisely what we're trying to do here." Max pointed out.

"Eddie is sweet," Addison agreed quickly, "He could never ever do something like this."

"Yeah! And maybe, maybe we'd have a little more luck if you'd spend less time trying to find a girlfriend and more time trying to find Eddie."

"Wha- Hey! Someone has to tend to the customers." Steve defended.

"Especially if they're babes, right?" Robin winked.

"Especially then!" Addison teased, leaning over and poking Steve.

"We have a very large and confusing selection! It can be very overwhelming for some people."

Something must have clicked in Robin's mind, because in the blink of an eye she was sitting in front of the computer.

"What are you doing?" Max asked, moving away from Addison to stand behind Robin. Addison followed suit, sliding of the counter and moving to stand beside Max.

Her eyes trailed over the list of different Ricks, jaw falling open at how easily they appeared.

Technology was amazing.

"Twelve Ricks already have accounts here." Robin grinned in satisfaction as Steve came to a stop between Addison and Dustin.

"That's a lot of Ricks.." Max and Addison mumbled in unison, Addison's cheeks heating up as she made eye contact with Max.

"Let's narrow it down, then?" Robin glanced at them quickly before selecting the first Rick and opening his account. "Rick Alderman's recent purchases are Annie and Dumbo.. what are the chances our Reefer Rick has a family?"

"Not likely."

Robin repeated her actions, exiting out of Alderman's account and opening the second. "Rick Conroy, Sixteen candles and-"

"Molly Ringwold is so pretty.." Addison said dreamily. "It's the hair."

"The hair, huh?" Max smirked, glancing at her girlfriend.

"Not now guys." Dustin interrupted, "As cute as it is, we have bigger things to worry about. Conroy isn't our guy."

Max and Addison shared a look, both girls biting back their laughter.

"Okay." Robin puffed out her cheeks, opening the third account. "Rick Joiner Footloose and Grease."

"Nope." Max shook her head.

"Uh.." Robin's eyes trailed across her screen. "Rick Kimbrough.. The Blue Lagoon and Splash?"

"Eugh!" Addison covered her mouth, shared laughter coming from each of them. "No way!"

"Don't watch that one, Addie." Steve warned as Robin exited out of his account and moved onto the next one. "I'll ground you myself."

"Wha- What about them?" Addison gestured to Max and Dustin?"

"Same goes for you two." Steve pointed at each of them. "No. Blue. Lagoon."

"Okay! Okay! No Blue Lagoon!" Dustin raised his hands, "Robin, which one's next?"

"Uh. Rick Lipton.. Fast Times at Ridgemont High.. Cheech & Chong's Next Movie, Cheech & Chong's Nice Dreams, Cheech & Chong's Up In Smoke."

Dustin laughed, excitedly clapping his hands and pointing at the screen. "Bingo!"

"Found our guy!" Addison high-fived Dustin, a grin spreading across her face.

"Lipton?" Max repeated.

"Like the Tea!" Robin nodded, eyes searching for the address. "Uh.. 2121 Holland Road."

"That's out by Lover's Lake."

"Middle of nowhere." Max continued.

"Perfect place to hide!" Robin grinned, shutting off the computer.

"Let's go find him!"


a/n: i hate this lol

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