Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight:
Love You More

Addison giggled, tossing the pillow into the box as she sang along, "Turn around! Look at what you see.. in her face! The mirror of her dreams! Rhymes the keep their secrets!"

Dustin rolled his eyes, clearly growing more and more annoyed with the trio. "Will unfold behind the clouds."

"Wait, did we get the verse right?" It's unfold behind the clouds?" Max asked, a sly smirk crossing her face. Addison giggled, shifting her position so that she was sitting closer to Max.

"Yeah." Dustin nodded with a huff, "But you're butchering it. So, could you please stop?"

"So then join us, Dusty-Bun." Lucas teased, blowing the boy a kiss.

"Yeah, come on, Dusty-Bun." Max winked, leaning on Addison, "Join us!"

"It'll be fun!" Addison giggled, "And who can resist our singing? They should call us the Triple Threat. TT for short."

"You guys are so funny." Dustin said sarcastically, "You should be on Carson."

"I love Carson!" Addison gasped, straightening her back as she grinned excitedly. 

"Can we just hear your rendition?" Max asked, tilting her head and raising her eyebrows as she waited for Dustin's answer.


Addison sighed in disappointment, her shoulders slumping as she continued to tape boxes shut. Max shook her head, "Please? Just one verse?"

"No! No way. It's reserved for Suzie's ears and Suzie's ears alone." 

Addison shared a look with Max and Lucas. A cheesy grin spread across her face as she glanced over at Dustin. "Turn around! Look at what you see- Hey, that's mean."

Addison scrunched her nose up as Dustin continued to flip them off. Max sighed, sliding her arm around Max as she began to sway her back and forth to the tune, "In their face! The mirror of your dreams-"

"Shut up, you guys." Dustin groaned, covering his ears and dropping his head.

"Rhymes that keep their secrets!"

"Stop! You guys, please, just shut up!" Dustin pleaded, causing Addison to let out a giggle.

"Sorry, Dustin." She grinned, standing up and picking the heavy box. An oomph left her lips as she adjusted the box to rest on her hip, "It's just a bit of teasing. You deserve it after dropping me last week."

"I said sorry!" Dustin scoffed, tossing the scotch tape at her, something she quickly dodged.

"Yeah, yeah." Addison shook her head, pushing open the front door with her foot. "Still hurt, though." 

Dustin rolled his eyes, raising his hands and mimicking the girl as she stepped out onto the porch. The chilly October air nipped at her face as she walked down the stairs and placed the box into the moving van. "Addie?"

Addison's back straightened at the sound of his voice. She slowly turned around to face him, cautiously. Her eyes scanned the boy's face as she waited for him to speak. "Mike.."

An awkward tension rested over them as Addison looked everywhere except him. She pursed her lips as she rocked back and forth on her feet, hoping Max or Will would come out of the house to save her from the unnecessarily awkward situation. Mike cleared his throat, bringing the girl's eyes back onto her. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Addison repeated, raising her eyebrows in disbelief that he was actually apologizing to her. "You're sorry?"

Mike nodded quickly. Now he was the one avoiding the girl's gaze as he looked up to the sky, squinting to block out the harsh rays from the sun. "Yeah."

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