Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

Something had gone wrong. Very, very, very wrong. Very, very, very fast.

Addison sat in between Will and Mike with Joyce and her boyfriend, Bob in the front. Bob looked through the map frantically as Joyce drove.

"Nothing! There's nothing here." Mike shook his head, looking into the darkness outside the car window.

"I-I don't know, Will. Are you sure this is the.. uh.. right way?" Addison whispered shakily as she wrung her hands together.

"Are we close?" Joyce sounded panicked as she spoke.

"We-.. We're in the vicinity.." Bob replied.

"What's that mean? The vicinity?"

"It means we're close! I don't know, it's not precise."

"But we did all that work."

"I told you, the scale ratio is not exactly one-to-one. We needed to take-"

"Turn right!" Will suddenly exclaimed, startling Addison.


"I saw him." Mike furrowed his eyebrows.

"Like.. saw saw or saw?" Addison asked slowly.


"Not here. In my now-memories."

"So saw.. got it."  Addison nodded to herself.

"In your what?" Bob turned around, confused.

"Just turn right!" Will ignored his questions.

Joyce obliged, turning the vehicle to the right. She ran over a sign, caused Addison to fall forward.

"Ow.." She whimpered, rubbing her forehead as the car lurched forward.

"Are you guys okay?" Joyce asked, turning around.

"Superspy." Mike said, pulling Addison up from the car's floor. "And, strap in next time, Addie. Seatbelts were made for a reason."

"Whatever, you should have caught me."

"You should've been strapped in."

"And you should've caught me."

"Why would I-"

"What's Jim doin' here? Joyce?"

"Guys, I need you to stay here." Joyce ignored his question and opened her car door.

"No. Mom, mom, mom. It's not safe." Will shook his head, reaching forward for his mother. "Mom!"

"That's why I need you to stay here. Stay here!" Joyce slammed the door shut and walked away.

"I-I should have stayed home." Addison mumbled, crossing her arms and rubbing her hands on her arms for warmth.

"Well, too late now." Mike tried to joke, but he only caused the girl to worry more. "Let's go."

Will nodded, opening his car door and getting out.

"Wh-Wait what?" Addison asked, following Will out. "Will! Be careful!"

She jogged to catch up with the boys who stood at the edge of something.

"Do you see anything?" Mike asked, "I mean.. in your now memories."

Will slowly shook his head no. Particles floated around them in the dark tunnel, P
particles that looked like they were from the upside down.

She didn't like it. Not one bit. Addison hated where she stood with her entire being. She wished she was home right now, playing Monopoly with her mom and her dad and Max waiting for a call from her sister from college.

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