Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three:
The Best Kind Of Person


Are we actually breaking into a grocery store right now? I-I mean... I can't believe that.. and I had a seizure! Sorry about that, everyone, by the way. Didn't mean to set you guys back again! But don't worry, I feel great right now! It's probably the adrenaline, but, uh.. but still! And El's leg is messed up! I missed the carnival, I wanted to have a nice date with my girlfriend, but no! No, we're breaking into a grocery store! You know, today has not been a very good day so far." Addison rambled as she helped El to sit comfortably on the floor of the aisle.

"Breathe, babe." Max said, your pretty face is red."

"Right, sorry." Addison took a deep breath, "That's much better, thanks. El, how are you? Good? No, why would you be good.. your leg.. I'm sorry."

El gave her a strained smile as Nancy lifted her pants. "Okay, let me see."

Addison gagged and looked away from the wound, hiding her face in Max's shoulder.

"Oh, shit!" Max grimaced, scrunching up her nose as she squeezed her eyes shut for a second. Nancy unwrapped the bandage before Max stopped her. "Wha- Woah, hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm.. cleaning the wound." Nancy said, raising the bottle of rubbing alchohol.

"That's not the right order." Addison shook her head, pulling her face from Max's neck.

"First, we need to stop the bleeding. Then clean, then disinfect, then bandage." Max and Jonathan shared a look. "I skateboard and her parents are doctors. Trust us. Mike, hold this."

She pressed his hand against the white cloth covering his wound, "Keep the pressure on it. Nice and firm. Okay? We're gonna need water and soap."

"Yeah, okay." Nancy nodded, standing from the floor with the help of Jonathan and leaving the aisle to find the two items.

"You're hot when you're demanding." Addison winked, planting a kiss on Max's cheek.

"And you're hot always."  Max grinned, her eyes softening as she locked eyes with her girlfriend. The sound of items hitting the floor after Lucas dumped them from his bag caused her smile to falter as she turned to look at him. "Um.."

"Does any of this help?" Lucas asked innocently.

Max blinked slowly, shaking her head. "No. Go get me a washcloth and a bowl."

"A bowl?" Lucas knitted his eyebrows together, "Where am I gonna-"

"Lucas." Max warned, "Go."

Will smacked him on the arm, causing the boy to raise his hands in surrender as he backed out of the aisle. "Ok-Okay."

"You're gonna be okay, El." Addison whispered softly as she watched her friend shift uncomfortably as Mike increased the pressure. "He's not gonna find that bowl by himself, Max. Even with Will.. they're not gonna find that bowl."

Max sighed, nodding her head slowly. "I know.. I know."

"We should go find them."

"Yeah, yeah, we should." Max stood from the ground, slipping her hand into Addison's. Addison grinned, lacing their fingers together as she swung their arms back and forth.

"Oh, there they are!" Addison said, pointing with her free hand to the boys who stood by the firework stand.

"That doesn't look like a bowl." Max pointed out, shooting the boy a look.

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