Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven
Dustin, do you copy?

"Be safe." Addison's hand rested over Max's. She watched her carefully, dark eyes scanning Max's freckled face for any sign of discomfort or worry. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"I will be, I always am." Max promised, quickly pressing a kiss to Addison's lips. As Max pulled away, Addison subconsciously followed her lips.

Max moved so that both her hands were resting on her shoulders. "Hey. I'll be fine. Okay? I always am."

Addison nodded. "I know. I just have a weird feeling about this. Like you're gonna find out something we don't wanna know."

Dustin and Steve shared a look in the front, silently agreeing with Addison's worry. Both boys sharing the same worry.

"Whatever we find out we need to know." Max assured, thumb brushing against Addison's cheek. "The sooner we get this finished the sooner we can see Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

"That doesn't come out til June." Steve pointed out, wincing as Dustin smacked him on the chest, muttering for him to shut up and let them have their moment.

"He's right," Addison shrugged, "It doesn't come out until June."

"Exactly." Max stressed, "It's a promise. A promise that I'll take you to that movie the day it comes out."

Addison cracked a smile, nodding. "Okay. Go get the information."

Max pressed one last kiss to her lips, the lingering taste of vanilla remaining. She quickly got out of the car, carefully shutting the door behind her (not wanting to upset Steve by slamming it.) before making her way over to the house.

Addison fidgeted with her fingers, anxiously chewing on her lip as she watched Ms. Kelly open the door, followed by Max entering the house.

"All right." Steve said, watching as Max shut Ms. Kelly's door behind her. "She's in."

Addison couldn't help the flicker of anxiety striking her heart.

"I'm missing collarbones. Not eyes." Dustin countered. Addison cleared her throat to hide her laugh. "So.. are we gonna talk about.. it?"

"Huh?" Steve tore his eyes from the door, looking back to Dustin. "Sorry.. talk-talk about what?"

"Your temporary insanity, earlier today. When you practically threw yourself at Nancy?" Dustin said, Addison nodding in agreement. "When you basically threw yourself at Nance?"

Steve blinked, cheeks reddening at the accusation. His lips twitched, as if he wanted to argue but couldn't find the words.

"Okay, first of all. That's not what happened." Steve said, shifting his position in the driver's seat.

"Pretty sure that's what happened." Dustin shrugged, pursing his lips. "It was pretty public. There were, like, a lot of witnesses."

"I mean.. I would, if-if I were you. Of course." Addison fidgeted with her hands anxiously, picking at the skin of her fingers. "Nancy's so pretty! Don't tell Max I said that.. She agrees, though. I mean- It's- it's not like we talk about other girls or boys we think are cute or anything.. because they would be weird.. haha..  but if we, I don't know, you know. Did do that, and.. maybe had a list of names.. Nancy would be on the list. For pretty girls! Not a hit list! A pretty girl list! Or pretty boy list! We both like both.. so. But Nancy is at the top- I mean- would be at the top.. if there was a list. So, I'd  be throwing myself at her too... if she was single, Steve. She's not. She's with Jonathan."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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