Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:
"Cute Costume, Weirdo."

Addison crossed her arms, a shiver shooting down her spine as she watched the boys dismount their bikes.

"Who you gonna call?" Will asked, grinning as he walked up and stood next to Addison.

"Ghostbusters!" The group shouted in return, Addison having to take out her fake vampire teeth so that she didn't have a lisp.

"Woah, wait a minute.. Addison? I thought you were gonna be the ghost?" Mike turned to her, scanning her vampire costume. "That looks like a vampire to me."

"Heh, uh, yeah, about... that.. My mon wouldn't let me walk out in an inflatable suit." Addison lied awkwardly, looking away from Mike's prying eyes. "So... Vampire it is!"

Mike stayed silent briefly, "That's super annoying.."

Addison frowned, looking down at her feet and nodding awkwardly, "Uh, sorry.."

"It's cool. Like, uh, Dracula's wife! or something.. what was her name again?" Will exclaimed, his hair bouncing as he spoke.

"Elisabeta." Addison answered, her tinted lips curving up in a smile as she looked up at him.

"I like it, too." Dustin said nodding his head, "She looks badass."

Addison smiled shyly, looking towards him, "Thanks, Dust bunny."

Dustin grinned, "Of course, my vampire qu-"

"Wait, why are you Venkman?" Mike interrupted rudely, his focus changing from Addison to Lucas.

"Because I'm Venkman." Lucas said as if it were obvious.

"No, I'm Venkman!" Mike argued, stepping closer to Lucas, pointing to the nickname on his chest.

"Why can't there just be two Venkmans?" Will asked carefully, looking in between the two stubborn.

"Because there's only one in real life! We planned this months ago! I'm Venkman, Dustin's Santz, Addie's the ghost, or she was supposed to be, you're Egon and you're Winston!"

"I didn't agree to be Winston."

"Yes, you did!"

"I don't think he did.."

"He didn't. And I didn't agree to be the ghost."

"Well, you can't be one of us!"

"And why is that?" Addison crossed her arms, glaring at the boy.

"Because you're a girl. Girls can't be Ghostbusters. It's a fact. The movie's got men as the ghostbusters. Not girls." Mike hissed, glaring at her.

"Woah, woah, woah." Will grimaced, glancing at Addison as her eye twitched.

"You know what? I-"

"None of this would've happened if you'd just been Winston!" Mike groaned, pointing at Lucas.

"No one wants to be Winston, man." Lucas spoke, his tone calmer than Mike's by a mile.

𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘱 ~ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now