Chapter One

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Chapter One:
Cherry Red

Addison stood, her arms crossed over her chest to preserve warmth as she peered through the chain link fence at Max as she performed tricks on her skateboard.

"Woah..." Addison breathed out, not failing to notice the looks Mike and Will shot her.

Though, Mike's look was incredibly different than Will's. It could fall into the disgusted category.

"What?" Mike asked bitterly, crossing his arms. Annoyance flashed in his eyes, shining through his tone clearly.

"O-Oh, uh, um, it's just that.. I've never.. seen a.. I've never seen a girl that could skateboard before." Addison stammered out, avoiding Mike's cold eyes as she sent him a nervous smile. She wrapped her fingers through the fence's loops as Mike turned his eyes onto Max again.

"There's no way that's Mad Max." Mike shook his head, squinting at the oblivious girl.

"Yeah!" Will agreed, looking away from Addison to Max. "Girls don't play video games."

Addison shot Will a sideways glance, but ultimately decided to let it go. Of course, she didn't play arcade games or video games herself, but she believed that if a girl wanted to, that she should be able to without the worty of judgement by some dumb boys.

"And even if they did, you can't get seven hundred and fiffy thousand points on dig dug. It's impossible!" Mike added, squinting at her inquizitively.

"Obviously it's not.." Addison mumbled to herself, flushing and looking down at her boots when Mike gave her a sharp look. "Uh, sorry."

"But her name is Max!" Lucas argued, not taking his eyes off of her.

"So what?" Mike snapped.

"So what? How many Max's do you know?"

"Yeah, Mike. Max, Mad Max.. It's her." Addison nodded, tilting her head and closing her right eye to get a better look. "It has to be."

"I don't know-"

"Zero! That's how many." Lucas cut him off.

"Yeah, and she shows up at school the day after someone with the same name breaks our top score? I mean.. are you kidding me?"

"Exactly! So, she's gotta be Mad Max. She's gotta be."

"And plus she skateboards so she's pretty awesome." Dustin sighed dreamily. Addison found herself nodding along in agreement with him.

And pretty. Really, really, really pretty.

Addison had allowed her mind to wander, but before it could wander too far, Addison snapped herself out of her daydream.

"Awesome? Are you serious? You haven't even spoken a word to her!" Mike groaned as the boys turned to look at each other. Addison kept her eyes trained on Max as she kicked her skateboard up, catching it in her right hand as she did so.

"I don't have to! I mean look at her. Shit!" Dustin groaned, "I've lost our target."

"Lucky for you, I haven't." Addison piped up, glancing at Will briefly. She nudged him, pointing to where she had gone to.

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