Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten:
Third Heartbreak, But Somehow Worse

Addison could remember the day perfectly. It was a rainy April day and the flowers had only started to bloom again.

It was her third heartbreak, but somehow this one hurt her a lot more than her second.

Nothing's ever her hurt more than her first, of course. Addison didn't believe anything could hurt more than that.

First heartbreaks are always the worst. She had seen it in her older sister, who had turned into an angrier form of the devil after her heart was broken by some guy named Josh.

Jennifer was never the same after that.

She'd seen heartbreak plenty of times, and felt it too.

Will sometimes asked her how she bounced back so quickly, and all she would say to the boy was Oh, Will. The heartbreak is only temporary. But love is forever.

He never understood her when she said that, because love is what caused the heartbreak in the first place, but he never commented on it.

Addison would never forget the look on her face when she said she kissed someone else.

"Y-Yo.. You what?" Addison's lip trembled as she spoke. The pounding rain thundered against Betty's roof.

"I'm so sorry, Addie." Betty spoke, reaching forward to grab the girl's hand.

"N-No!" Addison's eyes filled with years as she backed up until she hit the bedroom wall behind her. "Don't.. don't- Don't touch me."

Tears fell down Betty's face as she watched her, probably now ex, girlfriend struggle to find the doorknob.

"I'm sorry! It.. it was an accident! It just happened."

"An accident? Betty, you don't just.. you can't accidentally kiss someone else."

The girl sniffed, reaching forward in an attempt to pull Addison back by her wrist again.

"How?" Addison repeated, a newfound anger behind the pain in her eyes.


"How! How did it happen, Betty?" Addison crossed her arms, trying to appear intimidating.

"I.. I was just at the ice cream shop and, there was a girl there and she started flirting so I started flirting and then I kissed her, she kind of looks like you, if that makes you feel better." Betty shook her head, "I'm sorry, Addison."

"I-I.. but how could you? Ki-Kiss someone else.." Addison squeezed her eyes shut, trying to push back the tears burning in the corner of her eyes.

Betty didn't know what to say. Her heart ached as she watched the girl she once love rip the matching necklace they wore off. "We're.. We're over."

She dropped the heart shaped locket and spinning around. She shakily pulled the door open and looked back one last time, "We could- We could have been something.. Something beautiful, Betty."

𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘱 ~ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now