Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six:
Certainly Goners

Addison's heart hammered against her chest as she felt the hot salty tears rolling down her cheeks. Max kept a tight grip on her hand as she tried to silently reassure her girlfriend that it would be okay. Addison squeezed her eyes shut as fear pumped through her veins, the sound of the creatures growls and sharls grew closer.

Max looked over at her, shakily raising her hand and forcing the girl to look at her.  She locked eyes with her, silently trying to calm her down.

Mike lifted his head, turning around and peering over the edge of the counter. "It's turned away. If we go up the stairs now, we'll make it."

"Are you crazy?" Addison hissed, shaking her head frantically. "I-It could see us. And we're gonna die if it does. That thing is huge. Look at it.. There's no escaping that thing, I-I.. No way.."

"Right, no way, not with El's leg." Max shook her head, tearing her eyes from her girlfriend's face.

"We have to try." Mike argued, glancing over at the mind flayer again.

"There's another way.." Eleven whispered, gaining the attention of the three. "To get out. Through the Gap."

"The gap? What gap-" Addison's sentence was cut off as Mike pointed to the store across the mall. "O-Oh.. yeah, okay."

"Okay.. Now." Mike stood up, slipping his hand into Eleven's and pulling her with him.

Addison let out a quiet yelp as Max roughly pulled her along with her. Addison's heart dropped as a piece of metal clatter to the ground. "Shit.."

The sound of the monster's screeching caused Addison to yelp as she ran towards the back of the store and. dove behind a shelf.

Max looked over at her, reaching around and pulling the girl close. She shakily brushed her fingers through the girl's hair. "Sh, sh.. sh.."

Addison let her eyes fall shut as she tried to block out the sounds around her.  She jumped and opened her eyes as a mannequin was thrown in front of them. "I-"

A whimper left her mouth as she clamped a clammy hand around her mouth, trying to silence her breathing. The sound of a tentacle screeching as it slowly inched towards them caused her panic to heighten as she tightened her grip on Max's hand. Baby hairs stuck to Addison's forehead due to the sweat as she squeezed her eyes shut, praying to anyone or anything that was listening that she would survive this.

Her prayers were answered when the sound a balloon popping echoed around the mall. Deafening snarls and screeches flooded her ears, overwhelming her senses as the mind flayer disappeared to investigate.

A sigh of relief passed her lips as she let her head hit the wooden shelf behind her. "Come on, let's go."

Max pulled her up as she stood, looking back to quickly check on her. Addison sent her a weak smile, "I'm okay."

"Good." Max blinked slowly as her heart raced, her mind falling blank as she pulled her towards the back of the store. The sound of shoes squeaking against the tile floor distracted Addison as they rushed into the mall tunnel, slamming the door behind them.

𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘱 ~ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now