Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty:
"Stay Here. Stay Safe."

"Ha! Take that, weirdo." Max winked as she caught a skittle in her mouth. Addison jokingly rolled her eyes as she leaned forward and gently punched her in the shoulder. "Ow! I'm wounded!"

"Good thing we're in a hospital, right?" Addison winked, tossing her the bag. "Just you wait.. I'm gonna beat you."

"Oh, is that so?" Max giggled, leaning forward so that she was inches from Addison's lips. Addison inhaled sharply, nodding quickly.

"Ye-Yes, yeah, yes.. Yes, yeah, of course. Yeah.. Yes." Addison muttered, her eyes falling to Max's lips as she drunk in her eternal beauty. "Uh, I-"

"You're cute when you're flustered." Max whispered, sending Addison's heart into overdrive.

"Really? I mean, thanks. I'm glad you think that.. You're cute all the time. Ha, ha.. except when you're hot and that's when you're angry and I can't believe I just said that out loud.. I exposed myself, um, anyways, yeah. You're like, perfect, or whatever, and I just love you so much and I-" Addison cut herself off, realizing that she had just said. "I-I.. I need to go-"

Will abruptly standing as his eyes focused on the iridescent lights above. Addison noticed that the flickering increased and a sense of dread washed over her. "Oh, no.. Will?"

She slowly stood beside him as she looked up at the flickering lights. El, Lucas, Max, and Mike watched Will with concern as he raised his hand to touch the back of his neck. "He's here."

"Hey, hey, hey! Two at a time!" The receptionist shouted as the group began walking towards the door. Addison's heart pounded as she walked down the hallway with the lights flickering above her.

"Addie, you can't come with us." Addison stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Mike, crossing her arms.

"What? Why not?"

"Because it'll be loud. There's gonna be a lot going on so you could have a seizure." He explained, causing her glare to fall. "I still care about you, Addie. You're my friend."

"Oh. I don't wanna be alone-" Addison shook her head, turning her head to look at Max.

"I'll stay with you." Max said quickly, her eyes softening. when they landed on her girlfriend. "We can talk about.. boys."

Mike scrunched up his nose, "I don't wanna know what you guys talk about."

"Mike!" El shouted, "Come on."

"Gotta go, stay here and stay safe." He pointed to Addison and Max. "Got it?"

"Got it." Addison confirmed, "You too."

Max pulled Addison into the girls bathroom, shutting the door behind them. Silence fell over them as Addison avoided eye contact with her girlfriend, her hands pressed against the counter as she she swung her legs back and forth. Max watched her, her blue eyes filled with intensity as the tension in the room grew. "Did you mean it?"

"Did I mean what?" Addison tilted her head, her hair falling into her eyes. Max pushed herself off of the wall and walked forward, she slowly raised her and tucked the hair behind Addison's ear.

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