Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen:
"Not Wrong About The Whole Love Thing."

"You're late." Lucas crossed his arms, glaring at Mike.

Addison rolled her eyes as Mike apologized. She looked over at Max "Right. He's sorry."

"What's that supposed to mean, Addison?" Mike glared at her as he crossed his arms.

"Oh, nothing!" Addison replied, her tone sickeningly sweet and obviously sarcastic. "Nothing at all. I'd never, ever mean anything by that."

"Whatever." Mike scoffed, turning his attention back to Lucas as they began to argue.

Mike never apologized for what he said to Addison. In fact, ever since Eleven returned she was back to second choice, and not even that! Addison suspected she was now last on the ladder to him. Not only did he not apologize, he started being mean to her again. Sly comments here and there that the other boys didn't notice, not inviting her over to party gatherings and telling the boys she was 'sick', even if she never was, little jabs when she said something, and constantly reminding her that she 'talked way too much'. Addison wasn't sad anymore.

Now, she was just annoyed with him. It was all going back to how it did when Eleven first arrived, Addison didn't have anything against El. Not one bit. In fact, she loved the girl like a sister. It was Mike that was the problem.

Mike treated her like shit. He tossed her around and used her for his own benefits. Max saw it from the very beginning, but Addison didn't see it until New Years.

Addison scoffed as Mike angrily ranted, throwing his arms up for emphasis. The shorter girl crossed her arms and looked around the mall, her eyes taking in all the bright neon lights to represent the stores.

Max slipped her arm Addison's shoulders and squeezing, ignoring the looks she got from the passing people. Leaning forward when Mike wasn't paying attention to them, she planted a kiss on Addison's cheek. "It's okay, babe. Mike's just being an asshole."

Addison turned her head and looked up at her girlfriend. She giggled as she leaned forward and whispered in her ear. "When is he not?"

Max laughed, brushing her thumb against Addison's collarbone, causing goosebumps to cover her arms and stomach. Addison gulped, her face flushing as she looked up at Max. She subtly licked her lips as Will stood awkwardly beside her.

Max and Addison had been dating since February and Addison had never been happier. Her parents could see it on her face and in her actions. Her mom had suspected that it was Will, but after a long conversation filled with tears she finally got it through her head that Addison didn't like Will. Though, she didn't know why.

Sometimes Addison regretted telling her mom.

The only people who knew in the party were Will and Dustin. Lucas and Mike still didn't know that she liked girls. Steve and Nancy knew, Nancy by accident. Addison didn't think Steve knew-knew what it meant.

Addison subconsciously leaned more into Max, leaning her head on Max's shoulders as she tiredly blinked her eyes.

"Again." Lucas interrupted Mike, shaking his head. "Seriously?"

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