Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven:
Happily Ever Never


Addison smiled at her reflection as she brushed her hands against the purple fabric her dress. She pursed her lips, her eyes trailing over the design of it.

She looked down at the dress that fell just above her knees, beginning to wonder if it was too much for just a school dance.

"You look beautiful, honey." Addison's mother smiled at her after putting down the camera, placing her hands on her shoulders. "Make sure to snag a dance with that Will boy. He's nice."

"Mom!" Addison's face reddened, "I-I don't like him, not like that! The-There's someone else.."

Max. But it's not like she could just tell her mother that. There's no way she'd understand how Addison felt.

Sometimes Addison felt so... weird around her mom and dad when they were actually around. She was worried that her parents would somehow find out about her.

But she didn't think they'd be mad, not exactly. She wasn't sure how they'd react, actually.

"If you say so." The woman laughed, "Anyways, I'll drive you to the dance, but you should have Nancy drive you home, because I'll be at work until late tomorrow-"

"Or until the next day." Addison nodded in agreement, "I know, Mom."

"Right. If you don't wanna be late, get in that car." She nudged her on the back.

Addison laughed, "Fine! Fine!"

She grabbed the bracelet, slipping it onto her wrist before rushing out of her room and down the stairs.

Her feet pounded against the pavement, the front door slamming behind her.

Addison gasped as the harsh cold wind bit against her skin. "Cold, cold, cold, cold."


The doors slammed behind Addison, a smile on her face as she searched around the gym.

"Max!" She called out, waving to the girl before running over.

She excitedly threw her arms around Max, causing the taller girl to stumble back as she slipped her arms around Addison's waist.

Max smiled brightly, hugging the much shorter girl tightly. She subtly inhaled Addison scent, smiling at the familiar smell of vanilla.

The three boys chuckled, smiling as they watched their friends smile at each other.

Max laughed, putting the girl down. "I assume you're happy to see me then, huh, weirdo?"

Addison blushed looking down bashfully at her feet. "Ju-Just a bit.. may-maybe."

"Well, you look really pretty tonight." Will complimented, a grin on his face.

Lucas nodded in agreement, "Will's right."

Addison blushed, bringing her lips between her teeth as she glanced up at Max.

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