Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven:
Blue Raspberry And Cherry Ring Pops

Pain shot through Addison's body as she slowly sat up. She slowly peeled her eyes open, instantly regretting it after her head began to throb. Whimpers left her lips as she shakily rose her hand to her head, a sigh of relief leaving her lips when she saw no blood coating her fingers.

"Max?" Addison's voice was hoarse as she squinted, looking for her girlfriend's body. When her eyes landed on her unconscious body, her eyes widened and panic set in. "M-Max? Max!"

Max blinked slowly, quiet groans leaving her lips as Addison slowly dragged herself over to her. "Max, honey.. Baby.."

"Ad-Addie?" Max croaked, slowly sitting up. When her blue eyes landed on her girlfriend, worry washed over Max's body like a tsunami wave. "Addie.. babe.."

Addison winced as she looked down at her leg. She felt nauseous at the sight of the bruise beginning to form. "Max.."

"Addie!" She said loudly as she crawled over to her, meeting her halfway. She scanned Addison's face with her eyes as tears began to form. Her throat dried as she noted her tear stained cheeks. "Addie.."

Addison sniffled, looking up from her broken leg to her girlfriend. "It hurts."

"I know, babe, I know." Max cooed, resting both her hands on Addison's cheeks. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

Addison rested her forehead against Max's, letting her eyes flutter shut as she felt the warmth of Max's lips against hers. All of Addison's worries and anxieties were flushed away as Max kissed her. Addison pulled away for a moment before connecting their lips against. She gripped the fabric of Max's shirt in her fist as she felt Max pull her body closer.

"Are you okay?" Max asked breathlessly, her blue eyes scanning Addison's bruised face. Addison nodded shortly, missing the warmth of Max's hands as she dropped them to her side. "G-Good."

The sound of Mike stirring awake brought Max and Addison's attention onto him. "Mike?"

"Mike! Mike, Mike. Mike, can you hear me? Mike, get up!" Max shouted after moving over to him, gently shaking the boy as she tried to wake him up. "Mike!"

Mike groaned, blinking slowly as he looked up at Max. "Max?"

"Come on.. Get up." Max said, helping the boy up. "You okay?"

Mike ignored her as he looked around the room in confusion and worry, "Where's El?"

Max felt worry wash over her as she leaned over and helped Addison up. Addison winced, realizing that she couldn't put weight on her left leg. She looked over at Max helplessly. "Max.."

"Sh, sh." Max shushed, "It's okay, I got you."

"Ow.." Addison whimpered, tightening her grip on Addison's arm. "I-I think I know where she is. But-But we have to go."

Max nodded, holding the girl closer to her body. "Let's go."

The lights flickered above their heads as they made their way to the center of the mall. Pain shot through Addison's body at even the slightest bump against her leg, which made the trek to where their friends were nearly unbearable.

𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘱 ~ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now