Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:
The Gay Agenda Has Not Been Fulfilled

"Will? Will, Will, look at me." Addison spoke, her hand placed gently on his shoulder. "Will, come on, we're right here. Me and Mike, and your mom. And Dustin and Lucas, and even Max! All your friends are here."

Max, Lucas, and Dustin watched with concern written on their features.

Max wondered about the relationship between Addison and Will. She couldn't help but think that the two were a couple, even if Addison herself had said they weren't and that she was single.

She kind of hoped they weren't.

"Will?" Mike shook him from beside her, "I just found him like this. I think he's having another episode!"

Addison frowned, her grip tightening on his shoulder as she softly spoke to him, trying to lure him out of his trance.

"Will, hey, hey, can you hear me?" Addison repeated, trying once more before letting Joyce take over.

"Will? Will! Will! Sweetie, wake up! It's mom!" Joyce took Will into her arms, trying to coax him awake.

"Will? Will, please." Addison mumbled, loud enough for Joyce and hopefully Will to hear. "You're safe, Will. This is the real world. It isn't the upside down."

Mike nodded in agreement, "We're all right here."

"Can you hear me?" Joyce asked, ignoring the kids surrounding them. "Will, please, just wake up!"

Seconds later, Will's eyes popped open and he let out a scream. Addison couldn't help but feel relieved that he was back and.. somewhat okay.

"Will!" Addison smiled, her hand falling from his shoulder and into his hand. "Are you okay?"

The boy shakily nodded, keeping his eyes trained on the sky.

"I-I.. I wanna go home." He stuttered out, his teary eyes slowly falling onto his mom's face.

Joyce nodded quickly, "Okay, sweetie, let's go get your stuff."

"And I'll come over later?" Addison started, glancing at Joyce for confirmation "I can make you hot cocoa and we can watch Star Wars."

"Hot cocoa won't fix everything, Addie." Lucas deadpanned, rolling his eyes.

Addison inhaled and looked to the ground, nodding shortly. "I guess not.."

"Woah, woah, hey, but she can try, can't she?" Max defended, tilting her head to the side.

Joyce spoke next, "That'd be great. I'm sure Will will love that, thank you, dear."


Addison waved goodbye to Will, though she knew he couldn't see her.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out." Max spoke from behind Addison. "Did that not freak you guys out?"

Addison shook her head no, her hand resting on Max's skateboard and gently tapping her finger against it.

"Two episodes in two days.." Lucas spoke, ignoring Max's question.

"Not good." Addison sighed, pulling nervously on her hair.

"It's getting worse." Mike commented, looking at his feet. "So, right, not good."

"You think it's true sight?" Lucas suggested.

"What else could it be?" Addison crossed her arms and licked her lips from the cold. "True sight makes the most sense."

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