Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen:
Unhappy New Year

Addison laughed loudly, gently shoving Max over. "Shut up, seriously!"

Addison looked over at the taller girl, smiling to herself as the snowflakes fell gently, resting themselves against her bright hair.

"Sorry, weirdo. It's the truth." Max shrugger, bumping Addison with her shoulder again. Max smiled, looking down at their hands.

Addison's pinkie linked around Max's. It was a simple gesture, sure. But it made both of their hearts soar.

Of course, the pair wasn't an actual couple yet. Max decided she wanted to work on herself and being able to accept that she wouldn't be able to kiss Addison whenever she wanted in public.

Max accepted that she liked girls, and she was perfectly fine with that. That's not what the problem was.

The problem was the rest of the world. The problem was that if anyone found out about their pure love, one if not both of them would be seriously hurt.

Max didn't want to think about that, but she did try. She tried her hardest to tell herself it would be okay. That one day, everything would be normal. One day she would be able to walk down the street, hand in hand with Addison without worrying about harrassment.

One day she'd be able to kiss Addison, hold her, date her in public without fear. One day, Max would be able to love her in peace.

But unfortunately, that day wasn't today.

"Will brings the food, Mike has all the games there, and Lucas and Dustin switch out with drinks and movies each year." Addison explained as they turned the corner to Mike's house. "Sometimes Dustin has to bring both because Lucas goes to visit his grandparents. He'll be here this time, though. So.. Uh, anyway, then we watch a bunch of movies and play a bunch of games and eat a sickening amount of food- One time, I threw up all over Lucas. I don't know if he ever forgave me for that and I live in fear every year that he's gonna get me back, and then we sleepover. I'm kinda scared he'll rudely wake me up, but he might have forgotten about that. Probably not, but I hope so. Also-"

"You're cute when you ramble, weirdo." Max winked, causing the girl to giggle nervously and her face to flush.

"I-I mean.. Thank-Thank.. Thanks.. Thank you, that's cool.. You're cool.. You're really cool.. And pretty, like.. Pretty, pretty.." Addison cleared her throat, looking towards her snow boots. "I-I mean, I mean.. Yeah, I don't mean anything-anything else. I'm gonna...uh.. stop talking now."

"You don't have to. I like listening to you talk." Max flirted, nudging her.

Addison giggled again, covering her mouth with her hands.

Max and Addison stopped in front of Mike's house, glancing at each other as they looked up at it.

Mike and Addison didn't live too far away from each other, only around three or four blocks, so it only took around fifteen minutes to walk from one house to the other.

"What do you bring?" Max asked, looking down at the shorter girl.

"You." Addison winked, "Which is uh.. It's the-the best gift around, you know. Fo-For me.."

𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘱 ~ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now