Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty:
Muppet Girl

"Everyone, please rise for our national anthem." Addison did as the principal said, glancing over at Robin in the stands and giving her a thumbs up, she mouthed you did so good to her, causing Robin to break into a grin. "Singing for us today, all the way from Nashville, our very own... Tammy Thompson!"

Addison giggled, swatting at Steve who stood beside her. Robin turned to look at them, clearly trying to hold back her laughter as the crowd erupted in cheers for the freshly graduated girl. "Steve! Steve! Muppet girl."

Steve nodded, turning his head towards Robin so he could whisper something to his friend. "Told you. Muppet."

"Okay! She does sound like a muppet." Robin mouthed back. Addison cracked a smile, watching as Robin's nerves grew as she talked to Vickey, a girl she was in band with that she had a massive crush on.

Robin and Addison were similar, both didn't know how or when to stop talking when they were around someone they liked. Addison remembered how nervous Max made her when they first met, and now they were together. Coming up on two years in just a few months. The thought of Max brought a smile to her face and warmth to her heart. Almost two years, it didn't seem possible.

It was crazy how things change, Addison thought.

"Wow.." Steve's date cooed, her hand pressed against her heart. "She sounds amazing, doesn't she?"

"Sure does!" Addison agreed over enthusiastically, "Never heard better!"

"I know! You know, Tammy and I were in three classes together!" The girl continued. "Spanish, Geometry, and Biology."

"No way!" Addison gasped, "Three? Wow! How does it feel to know a star?"

Steve choked back a laugh, covering it up to clear his throat as he raised his hand to cover his mouth. "Wow, and I thought I was lucky with just one class with her."

As the song came to an end, and Tammy left the court, Lucas looked behind him in the crowd. His heart sinking when he saw no one there for him. Not even Addison? But she'd promised..

His worries were quickly slashed when he heard her cheers, from the other side of the stands. His heart swelled and a grin grew on his face as he saw his best friend standing there, next to Steve, who gave him a small wave when he noticed his stare.

"Lucas! Lucas! Lucas!" Addison cheered, waving her hands enthusiastically. "That's my best friend!"


"I wish I understood basketball.." Addison mumbled to herself, her eyes following as the boys on the opposing team tossed the ball to one another.

"Wait- Woah, woah, haven't you been to every game?" Steve questioned, taking his eyes off the game. He leaned the bag of popcorn over to Addison, watching as she dug some out of the bag. "Even the away ones?"

"Well, yeah." Addison shrugged, "Doesn't mean I get it... Oh, shit!"

Addison grimaced, watching as one of the players limped off the court, with the help of his fellow teammates. She cringed, looking at his twisted ankle. "Yeeesh, that's gotta hurt. You know, one time, on my birthday actually, I was turning nine, not that that's important or anything. Anyway, I was at the creek and- and I tripped over a tree root and my ankle got stuck. Anyway, I ended up breaking it. It hurt really bad and sometimes on cold days it still aches a lot. Or really rainy days, but the cold rainy days are the worst."

Steve nodded along with her, swallowing the popcorn he had been chewing. "My wrist does that, broke it freshman year. Right there on that court, actually. Had to relearn how to write with my other hand."

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