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For The First Time

Addison sighed, placing her head in her hand as she stared at the board in front of her. The chilly late-October air blew through the open window, causing a shiver to shoot down her spine. Goosebumps arose on her skin as she rolled her lips into her mouth.

She tugged her sweater over her hands before placing her hand in her chin again. She yawned, annoyed at herself for staying up late to watch reruns of her favorite show while her parents were at work.

Then again, it wouldn't have mattered if she'd been in bed, anyway. She never got much sleep anymore. Only when she was with Will, and that wasn't as often as they would've liked.

Addison's mind wouldn't  calm, thoughts of Eleven ran rampant through her head, plaguing her day and night in a seemingly endless cycle of hurt.

It had been three-hunred fifty one days now. Nearly a year without her.  Addison wondered where she was. If she was still alive.

Eleven had to be alive. Addison could feel it in her bones that she was still out there somewhere, closer than any of them knew.

A loud sigh escaped her lips as her hand fell, connecting with the table with a resounding smack sound. Her face flushed as Will, Lucas, Dustin, Mike, and the rest of the front row turned to look at her.

"So-Sorry.. just, um, uh, you know.. breathing." Addison stammered out, sinking down in her chair. "As you do.."

One thing Addison hated was unnecessary attention. She didn't like to be the center of it, and she would much rather be alone or with Will reading and listening to music. It took her an entire year to warm up completely to the boys, and with Mike it took even longer.

But with Eleven, it only took a few days. That's the shortest time to become comfortable with someone for her. Eleven was different, she wasn't her first girl friend. But she wasn't the one who left her with a  broken heart.

Addison had gone far too deep into her daydream to notice the unfamiliar girl enter the classroom.

"It's Max. No one calls me Maxine." A new and angelic voice pulled her out of her own head.

Addison felt her breath hitch in her throat as she locked eyes with Max. The world around her seemed to move in slow motion around her. There, just mere feet away from where Addison sat, stood the most breathtaking girl Addison had ever laid eyes on.

Addison could feel her heart rate increase as Max began walking towards her. She took quick, very brief glances at the redhead as she looked around the room for somewhere to sit.

Addison audibly gulped as Max walked past her. Hearing this, Max sent her a strange look as she passed by.

Addison's face flushed as she looked away from the girl's mesmerizing blue eyes. It took all her willpower not to turn around just to catch a glimpse of her. Of Max.

God, even her name was entrancing. Max.

No, turning around to look at her would be far too obvious. Let alone would it bring unwanted attention to her.

All Addison wanted was to get through the final years of school and get her real life started. Go to college, somewhere like Harvard or Yale, if she could even get in. She'd meet a handsome man, and eventually she'd marry him, and have a few kids. Something like her sister's plan.

𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘱 ~ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now