Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:
Really Okay

Mike kept his arm tightly wrapped around Will, as well as Addison. Will still looked shaken and his breathing was still rigid.

"Do you want to stop by my house first?" Addison asked gently, "We-We can make you some hot cocoa? Your favorite-"

Will shook his head, "N-No, I just, uh, I just wanna go home."

Addison nodded, glancing briefly up at Mike, who still kept his arm clasped tightly around Addison, his hand tightly gripped her upper arm, as if afraid she'd have an episode if he let go. She was sure he was doing the same for Will. "Okay, Will, we'll take you home."

Addison wished Mike wasn't so up and down with her, especially when he worried for her. She didn't want him to think of her as a burden.

Addison hoped that Lucas and Dustin didn't tell Max about her seizure problem. She'd feel terrible if Max felt guilty for scaring her.

Addison didn't mind going to Will's house first, even if it was a much longer walk. Walking calmed her down, after all.

Silence took over the three, the only sound being the howling of the wind. A shiver shot down Addison's spine. The cold wind whipped through her hair, nipping at her exposed cheeks. She regretted not listening to her mother when she said to wear a jacket.

Addison's body began to warm up again, but her hands were stilk shoved deep into her bright yellow jacket's pockets. It was her favorite jacket, Will had gotten it for her birthday a month after she moved to Hawkins.

She hated it at first. Hawkins, that is. She ate lunch alone for over a month before Lucas and Dustin sat themselves in front of her and started talking like they'd known her their entire lives.

Mike took a bit longer to warm up to Addison. he didn't like change. And she was a huge change. The first girl party member. He didn't like it, and he wanted her gone.

Addison, on the other hand, took way, way, longer to warm up to any of them. Will was first, then it was Dustin, Lucas and finally Mike.

It took an entire year to be completely comfortable, but they didn't mind. They understood the struggle. That warmed Addison's heart. Especially the fact that she was in her head most of the time and didn't talk a lot. Addison was very appreciative of that.

The full moon illuminated their path. It was oddly comforting, but at the same time, eerily enchanting.


"I'll call his mom." Addison said, shutting the Byers' house door behind the three. "She's at the store today, yeah?"

Mike nodded, "Yeah. I'm gonna take Will back to his room."

Addison nodded before picking up the phone and dialling the store's number.

Addison gently drummed her pointer finger against the yellow phone.

"Hello, this is-"

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