Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve:
"They're Your Favorites."

Addison groaned, rolling out of the bed. "Ow!"

She winced, pushing herself off of the floor. Opening her eyes after the pain faded, she looked around the room, she blinked in confusion.

"Steve's house? Why am I at Steve's house?" She muttered furrowing her eyebrows, until she realized. "Oh.. Oh, yeah.. Yeah, right."

Addison left the room, walking down the halls. Her eyes trailed against the pictures of Steve and his family against the walls. His quiet snoring bounced off the walls, alerting her that he was still asleep.

Deciding she didn't want to wake him, Addison thought she'd call someone to come get her.

The sun shined brightly through the bay window in his kitchen, causing her to squint.

"Am I hungry? Yes." Addison said to herself as she pulled open Steve's shiny fridge.

Her amber eyes scanned the shelves before she pulled out a bag of strawberries. "Perfect."

Addison bit into the red fruit, dialing the number.  She hummed sadly to herself, nibbling on the large strawberry.

After she finished dialing the number, she lifted the black phone to her ear and leaned tiredly against the wall.

Unfortunately, Addison didn't sleep much last night. Her mind kept wandering back to her.

Her smile, her hair. Addison's stomach flooded with butterflies every time she thought about Max. Her lips tingled when she thought about how Max kissed her.

Addison's lips craved hers. She wanted so desperately to kiss Max until she could no longer breathe.

"Hello, Wheeler residence."

"Nancy! Nancy, hi." Addison tried to smile, forgetting for a second that Nancy couldn't see her.

"Are you okay? I didn't see you at the dance last night after the bathroom."

"Uh, yeah. Can you come pick me up, please?" Addison twirled the cord around her finger.

"Where are you?"

"Steve's." She replied casually.

Nancy paused for a moment, "Did you say Steve's?"

"Yeah, Steve's." Addison bit into the rest of the strawberry.

"Steve's?" She repeated, her voice

"Yeah, Nance. Steve's."

"Why are you at Steve's?" Addison could hear the confusion in her voice.

Addison stayed silent for a moment, "Uh, no reason. I just.. uh, I just am."

The phone line went silent and Addison could hear Nancy's voice in the background, most likely asking her mom.

"Okay, I'll, um, I'll be there soon." Nancy's voice seemed mildly concerned.


𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘱 ~ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now