Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

The sweet, flowery breeze would usually be something Addison loved. Especially the scent of the flowers Max's mom had recently planted, but being back in the trailer park.. She couldn't get the sight of Eddie's fear stricken face and Chrissy's body out of her head.

Addison held Max's hand in her own, resting it in her lap. She hid their hands under the table, pressing her thigh against Max's. With everything going on, Addison didn't want to be away from Max for anything, feeling safer if she could feel her against her body.

Normally, Addison would have loved nothing more than to be where she was in this moment, with her girlfriend and most of her friends. She would probably even bring a set of Uno cards.

This time, though, this time was different. They weren't gathered together to have fun, but for a much more sinister reason.

"So.." Nancy trailed off, "You're saying the thing that killed Chrissy and Fred.. is from The Upside Down?"

"If the shoe fits." Steve answered.

"Our working theory right now, is that he attacks with some kind.. some kind of a spell? Or a curse? Now, whether he's doing the bidding of the Mind Flayer, or he just loves killing teens, I don't know." Dustin explained, voice lowered as the residents passing by were already on edge as it was.

"All we know that this is something different.. Something new." Max emphasized, squeezing Addison's hand. Her body was tense, making it clear that she was on edge.

Addison nodded in agreement, scooting closer to Max (if that was even possible) "You should have seen him.. He- He looked... Guys, I've never seen anyone that afraid. And-And Chrissy's body- it was.. God, it was-"

Addison shuddered, unable to find words to describe the little she'd seen of it. Nancy muttered in agreement, shifting uncomfortably  at the memory of Fred's corpse. "Horrific?"

"Putting it lightly, yes." Max agreed.

"It just.. It doesn't make sense." Nancy shook her head, confusion swirling in her eyes.

"It's just a theory." Dustin defended quickly.

"No, No.. Not that. Chrissy and Fred, they don't make sense. I mean.. Why them?"

"Maybe they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time?" Dustin suggested, shrugging. "That's how it was with the Mind Flayer."

"But they're nothing like each other.. Chrissy was popular, on the cheer team. Fred.. He isn't popular, he's.. a little nerdy, he gets bullied. There's no similarities between them. Is there?"

Dustin's eyes lit up suddenly as an idea hit him. He clapped, bringing the attention onto him. "They were both at the game!"

Recognition flickered in Max's eyes as she looked towards Eddie's trailer. "And near the trailer park.. or in it."

"We're in the trailer park." Steve pointed out, an edge buried in his tone. "Uh.. should we.. maybe not be here?"

"There is something about this place." Nancy noted, pursing her lips as she thought back to the previous day. "Fred started acting weird almost the second we got here."

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