Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen:
"Just For The Record, I Think I May Have A Little Crush On You."

Max tried to quiet her laughter as she raised her finger to her lips to shush Addison as she pulled her into a janitors closet.

"Max.." Addison's voice was silent as she tried to catch her breath. Max had pulled her away from going into her math class before she had even opened the door, saying that she had something important to tell her.

The dim lighting from the single bulb illuminated Max's freckled face. Her cheeks were flushed from the amount of running and small beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. "Hi." She whispered, her tone gentle and kind.

Addison grinned, glancing down at her dirty pink converse. "Hi.."

"I realized something last night. I.. I just had to tell you. I couldn't wait any longer and when I saw you.. I couldn't hold it in any longer." Max spoke quickly, her eyes darkening a shade as she trailed her eyes over every inch of Addison's face, drinking in her beauty. Without thinking, she raised her hand and tucked a stray piece of hair that had fallen from Addison's braid behind her ear.

"What is it?" Addison tilted her head to the side, subtly leaning into Max's touch. Max bit her lip, looking down at Addison's lips before flickering her eyes back to Addison's.

Addison's face turned red as she stumbled back into the door. "I-I.. I saw that. Did you just look at my lips? It's okay if you did, I look at yours a lot. Wait, I mean.. I didn't mean to say that out loud. I-"

Max cut off Addison's sentence by pressing her lips against hers. Addison's eyes widened for a split second, before they fluttered shut. Addison's heart lept as she felt Max's hand cup her cheek.

Addison bunched up the fabric of her skirt as she stood on her tippy toes. Addison couldn't help but grin as Max pulled away, her eyes remaining shut momentarily as she relished in the moment.

"Just for the record, I think I may have a little crush on you." Max's voice was soft and velvety as she smiled at Addison.

Addison's jaw dropped as she tried to stutter out a sentence, "I-I.. wow, okay, um, This didn't happen like I dreamed it would. Not that I drean about you! Of course, that would be weird, right? Ha.. ha.. anyway, are you serious? Because if you are then that would be really cool because I've liked you for, like, months now, and I really hope I'm not dreaming right now, that would be so sad if I am.. I don't know what I would do.." She rambled, covering her face with her hands. She felt Max's cold hands wrap around her wrists and pull her hands away from her face.

"It's not a dream, weirdo."

"This is Lucas! Do you copy? This is a code red!" Addison groaned, nuzzling her head into the pillows, resting her chin on Max's as she pulled her closer to her. "I repeat, this is a code red! Max, do you copy?"

"Ugh.." Max groaned, leaning over the edge of the bed, dragging along Addison with her because of how tangled together their limbs were, "Shut... up!" She abruptly pushed down the antenna before turning over, throwing her leg over Addison's body as Addison rested her head against Max's chest.

𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘰𝘱 ~ 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 Where stories live. Discover now